
What's YOUR Heart's Vision?

Inspired Young Artist Declares, “Boot Camp or Bust!”

Posted by on Nov 14, 2007 in News, Visionaries

Visionary musicians, who aim to inspire the world through their music seem to be attracted to our Boot Camps. The latest is a young musician, who goes by the name, Esse. She’s been awarded a Visionary Musician Scholarship in the amount of $650 by one of our alumni, Emced Hammas, CEO of 20/20 MultiMedia, and producer of a documentary inspired in part by his VisionForce experience, Business As Usual: The Exploitation of Hip Hop.

I’m including a special note from her here, because she has so inspired me with her heart, her courage and commitment.

I’m inviting you today to stand beside me, as my ally, as I stand for being a powerful symbol of love, inspiration, wisdom and self-empowerment for our children, our country and our world, through the mighty vehicle of pop culture.

The hardest part of pursuing the glamorous career of a performer is balancing self consciousness with selflessness, or better put, balancing give and take. It may sound strange at first but if you think about it, a performer has to consider things that can feel like pure vanity. How do I look? Am I “cool” enough? Are my songs powerful while also being entertaining? I’ve received criticisms for the most personal details such as my weight, my clothes, my friends, my education, my childhood, my life. On the one hand I just want to sing, perform, spread light and love. On the other hand, I have to have enough self love to remain confident, open and flexible even in the face of rejection and sometimes harsh criticism. No matter how I feel, the show must go on!

A few years ago I was a top 100 finalist on American Idol. It was Season 3. I was right there with Jennifer Hudson, Fantasia and the rest of the bunch. My readiness faced the test right then and there. I’ve been doing this my whole life, I thought, I was born to do this, it should be a cinch! As much as I’d love to say that it was Paula, Simon and Randy that made it so hard to be open when I got in front of those cameras, I know better.

Even when my intentions were checked and double checked, in my heart I harbored fears. I wasn’t ready. How could it be? I’d always known this was my purpose, my destiny, so why wasn’t I ready?

I wasn’t taking a stand.

I was taking positions on lots of things, pouring my feelings into the work but something was missing. What was it?!

It was vision.

In my heart I feared all sorts of things. I feared that I would absorb all of the attention, that my sincerity might diminish, that I could lose my way, divert my mission, and the whole thing would go straight to hell!! I feared that I would hurt or be hurt by people. Consequently, I suffered with an eating disorder for SIX years! To make things harder, in the artist community there is a THICK resistance to success. Working for money is considered insincere. Shaping your work to make it more acceptable to a wider audience is looked upon as “selling out.” For years I’ve asked myself, am I a sell out? Why do I want to be a mainstream artist instead of being content as a grassroots, street level indie artist?

Then, against the will of my entire family, I went to Tokyo, Japan. For over a year my only responsibility was to teach English and perform in clubs and bars. I lived in a bubble and worked hard to get clear on who I was, who I was becoming, and the woman I wanted to be. Suddenly, something which was once vague became crystal clear.

This is not about me. This is about a life purpose, a calling, a vision.

Now I am ready, not to fight, but to take a stand. I am ready to declare my own greatness, free of fear. I know I’m ready because doors are already opening, and opening wide! I’ve begun a whole new phase with my family, my friends and my work. This is why I want to attend the VisionForce bootcamp. This new phase has begun and I want it to kick off right!

This is my declaration, my commitment to you and to a whole new world:

I dare to spearhead a new conscious pop culture that stands for self-awareness, self-empowerment, peace and embracing a rich and full life.

I dare to stand for being a guiding light for all women and young girls in America.

I dare to stand for being a fully actualized woman.

I dare to stand for being a conscious and successful artist committed to you, our children, our world.

I dare to stand for being a symbol for women in America to embrace their full capacity, release their oppression mind-set, and be graceful leaders in that way that only women can do.

I will do this first by living it.

Artists have the capacity to reach an extraordinarily wide and diverse audience. I can help you inspire the world.

In the past ten years of pursuing this mission there have been incredible challenges. Yes, sexual harassment. Yes, rejection for my beliefs. Yes, it was all enough to make me doubt myself.

Now, I know to expect these challenges every step of the way. In VisionForce I believe I have found the right support group and the skills to know how to keep going! If you believe in the VisionForce training then you know it will do for me what it has done for you.

Will you stand beside me as my partner and ally? Will you let me stand beside you, as yours?

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read my letter. Whatever you decide, I will trust that it is best. If you do choose to make a contribution, whatever amount you choose will be perfect. As a token of my thanks, when that first album is done, I will publicly honor you as a contributor to my life and to my work. Now and in the future I’m sure that we will find exciting ways to work together to make this world healthier and happier!

We’re in it together till we reach the summit, and thereafter to dance on the sky!

I wish you great success in everything that you do.

Standing with you and for you!

Singer, Songwriter & Author

To help make Esse’s journey to Boot Camp possible, please use the ChipIn tool below (any amount at all is very appreciated!):

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