
What's YOUR Heart's Vision?

Visionaries Shall Inherit the Future

Posted by on Jan 17, 2007 in News, Visionaries, Visionary Mind

“In a time of drastic change it is the learners who inherit the future. The learned usually find themselves equipped to live in a world that no longer exists.” – Eric Hoffer

The Visionary Mind is not just a continually learning mind, but a mind not organized around psychological positions. Anyone can continually learn within the walls of their positions. The Nazi, the Roman Catholic, the Jew, the Environmentalist, the Rush Limbaugh Dittohead, the Marxist, the Dove, the Hawk, the Randian and the Patriot can all be continual learners, whose learning merely fortifies their existing positions. What marks the visionary mind is the quality of continual evolution, more than just continual learning.

And in these times of drastic change, it is the continually learning and evolving visionaries who shall not just inherit the future, they shall create it.

No matter your values, your beliefs, your cause or your level of learnedness, if your strength comes from your position, you will become less and less powerful to create the kind of life and world that will further your highest values and everyone else’s. It is your commitment and ability to evolve beyond your well-fortified positions and live from a dynamic stand that will empower you to create the kind of future that will really work for you and for all of us.

What we are talking about here is a complete yet subtle paradigm shift, one that we begin to explore in our free Visionary Mind Shifts course by email. It’s a paradigm shift, which is further rooted and explored with our Visionary Mind home study program, and deeply experienced inside of our 4-day intensives.


  1. NOT EXACTLY. Saying “the visionaries shall inherit the future” (implying that the blind-followers won’t be there) is like saying ‘only RETARDED only-children of wealthy business-people will inherit massive-fortunes.’

    You see, “inherit” means ‘to receive by merit of existance.’ It DOESN’T mean ‘to take something’; and visionaries must “take” the future for it to be theirs.

    I would rather that you said, “The Visionaries Shall Inherit the BUILDING-RIGHTS ON THE Future.” Because ALL PEOPLE inherit the future (since they’re there when it happens), but only the powerful can CONTROL the future!

  2. RE nameless force…
    Firstly to me theres an eeenormous difference between Force and POWers,we force someone to,wer power someone up.they are not interchnageable( well they are,but thats another story)

    So Nameless Powers,worth stopping there to think about that,as an expression,put THe Nameless,then THe Nameless powers,takes on a whole new meaning.And the Nameless does!

    So now to matters of universes.He/she,lives in a different univrse one of those phrases which says UH,what does that mean? especially asa physically were al,on the same PLanet,though from the way we Behave??? anyone could be forgiven for thinking,but then thought ain’t so bright.As Bush And Blair and others have graphically shown with the disasterous alliance,which is going nowhere; which should be no surprise,it was totally prediictable..THe Lack.and it is,distinct lack in domestic and forgeignb policy,but more than that,cluttered ideologies,and confusional rhetorics.

    Which lead to,as the unnamed forseillustrates,surmountable.Of course war is preventable.
    Thats something our species knew centuaries ago,yet herer we go .at a loss,yet again

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