
What's YOUR Heart's Vision?

John Kerry vs. George Bush… Positionary Politics is news???

Posted by on Oct 31, 2006 in News, Visionaries

Hear the “news?” John Kerry (who ate breakfast a few tables over from me at the Four Seasons in Austin Sunday morning) makes a joke intended to slam Bush, Republicans slam Kerry, Kerry slams back…

When will the day come? How long will it be before we have visionaries as leaders? In some respects each man may be a visionary, but when will we all stop thinking, speaking and acting like positionaries? All it does is cause more of the same from the other side. This back and forth bickering, battling for positions, wastes all of our time… and our tax money. Perhaps worst is it sets an example for all of us, an example that says acting this way is socially acceptable.

Is this normal behavior for adults? For leaders? Here’s my prediction… America’s next president will be much more a visionary, and much less a positionary. America is tired of the positionary-think, demonstrated by most politicians. It’s based on fear, blame, pride, manipulation and propaganda.

Barack Obama from what I have seen speaks more more like a visionary than a positionary. Could he be America’s next president? Anyone who can communicate as a visionary, rather than a positionary, has an advantage I think. What do you think?

Post your comments.


  1. I believe you are right, I only have trouble with time, we not only have to get the Polititions thinking and acting correctly, we have to get the people who elect them thinking and acting correctly, the whole system is out of whack and that will take a long time to change. In the past the people have been watching the polititions get away with lieing, stealing, and minipulating without having to pay the price, or so they thought, we know someone has to pay and will pay, when governments cheat and steal, the cost to the taxpayer is in the billions of dollars. For some reason most people refuse to see or act to fix things, could this be because we the people are just as guilty in our way of life as the polititions? If that is the case it will take many long years before we get the results we are striving for.
    Thank you,
    Ron Waters

  2. Being a good speaker is not necessarily a qualification for president, but it helps. The problem here is you are talking about a freshman politician with very little experience. It’s way out there to consider someone, anyone, without a track record. after all, some people are way way out there for voting for people DESPITE their track records.For example, it still seems like Sen. Ed Kennedy literally got away with murder in the drowning of Mary Joe Kopecney, but he is still hanging in there when maybe he should just be hanging. If Obamma would move to maryland and run against Kennedy, I would endorse him without a second thought!

  3. Oh , and the radio talk shows have been off the hook on the Kerry Gaff, of calling our soldiers dummies for serving our country in Iraq. Howard Deans gaff exclamatory scream was nothing compared to mister foot in mouth, yet Kerry still takes up a lot of room on the stage, only I wish we were watching a rerun of the Adams family, cuz Kerry would sure be a good candidate for the part of Lerch! Hey, Happy Halloween everybody!!!!

  4. Oh, God, no. I’m so so sorry Maryland, Please forgive me for that terrible insult! I’m not implying you had anything at all to do with keeping that buffoon around our collective necks so long. That was a gaff, and I just can’t bring myself to suggest that it was all Bushes fault. It’s just it’s been so long since I was out east, my geography got kind of blurry. I really would have said Massachusetts, and I hope I spelled that wrong, too! Don’t you think this would be a better country if we could vote in any and every state we wanted to so we could protect all the states from their blind spots. Then there would be a lot of retirements of political hacks and carpetbaggers and other trash. Take back America!!!

  5. Michael- I couldn’t agree more. My concerns are that politics in our country have sunk to an all time low. I keep hoping people will wake up but at times it seems hopeless. Barak Obama seems like a real visionary to me too but time will tell. My fear is of the seemingly insurmountable prejudice in our country. There are many people that would make a better, more virtuous stand than we as a country are making now. The problem seems to me is in general bias of many of the masses against ever seeing a president that isn’t a white anglo-saxon protestant male. It seems ingrained in peoples minds as much as manifest destiny and nation building. The blood lust of the masses seems insatiable since 9/11. Our only hope is for people to see the Vision and that we are all together in this little boat we call planet Earth. When the politics of our country is so steeped in racial prejudice the humanity is lost in the firestorm.


  6. Barack Obama will never be president because his name rhymes with Osama.. and most of the people who actually go vote.. are idiots.
    If you don’t like this statement.. then PLEASE.. prove me wrong!!
    In the 2000 elections.. 16 million people under the age of 30 voted..
    In 2004 youth voter turnout was up 22 percent from the 2000 election, well above the 14 percent overall increase among all voters. In all, more than half of all people between the ages of 18 and 29 (52 percent, to be exact) exercised their right to vote. And this was to choose between two positionary candidates. A true visionary could sweep the nation!! I am an old revolutionary.. I plead with the youth of today.. DEMAND what you deserve!! Demand that the men who lead us into tomorrow be true visionaries. Enough of this tired game!!

  7. Hello all,

    Vox populi, Vox DEI, seems to be the democratic vision, thousands of yrs. old.
    For politics, which represents the strategy, vision of people, to BE REALLY A VISION IN ACTION, your course, Michael should be implemented since childhood, in schools.
    For now, those who vote should be aware of of they vote: A VISION OF JUST A DREAM …
    It’s valid for all of us, for LIFE on Earth. That’s why, we need responsability to discover the REAL VISIONAIRES to stand up and for that, the inferior egos should’n kick out those who really are BORN TO BE LRADERS, in whatever field.

  8. A visionary would see what is best for the people of the uSA, and corporate government is not the answer for that vision. Perhaps we should take a few steps back in time to the place where family, children, and homes were more private and close and get away from the greed and power that position seems to acquire with ease and force. We the people need to get back to basics and live away from having what the other folks on the block might have, back to healthy living, and become a vision to what is best for them. It just isn’t money that should be important as that just creates more greed and power. If a president could be for the people of all nations and work towards helping instead of acquiring what they have, we just might be on the right track in the future.

  9. I believe in leaders who are more visionary.Those who are able to show the masses the way to go and lead to profiting.Visionary leaders will always be hard to find.They come one at a time like an eagle.But the electors should identify these kind of leaders and make sure they are elected because they are leading the electorates to a better country.The electotorate should move from from being pomped up with exitement when voting but use sober judgement. Use their votes to change their country.

  10. In South Africa we have been lucky enough to first-hand experience the magic that happens when you have a visionary human being extraordinaire first as an underground leader and then as your president!

    Nelson Mandela’s visionary leadership did not only deflect a seemingly certain blood-bath in this country (many thought civil war was inevitable, and left), but seemed to lift all sides to a level where the general and overwhelming desire arose for “Truth an Reconciliation.”

    This scenario was unthinkable during the apartheid years before visionaries like Mr Mandela and Bishop Desmond Tutu instead of talking retribution and hatred, started talking love, respect, openness, equality and reconciliation. This was at a time when the vast majority of our 40 million population have been badly mistreated and impoverished to the point of being dehumanised for many years by ludicrous apartheid laws and strict, brazen policing.

    Those who previously had positionary approaches to the problems (e.g. politicians, businessmen, the church), from all sides of the spectrum, seemed to inexplicably “lift”. As did the rest of us, the people of the land. It seems in retrospect that the prospects of bloodshed and more suffering were too much and actually became the catalysts for a new approach at a more visionary level. And so, magically – and with a relatively minimum amount of unrest and violence – the Rainbow Nation was born.

    This to me is a wonderful and huge source of hope for this planet’s future and where we are now! It also serves as foolproof evidence of Einstein’s words: “In the middle of difficulty lies opportunity.”

  11. I wanted to post my comments on this, and other related topics. However…. due to the passing of the new “military commissions act” or whatever it is actually named, I must admit that I now am in fear of being yanked out of my home or off the street for speaking freely in this, our nation where freedom of speech and the right to gather peacefully didn’t used to be an excuse to be called an enemy combatant, or terrorist or worse.
    But these are indeed very different times. It saddens me deeply that we “the people” have blindly allowed this raping of the constitution to happen while we blindly lolly gagged away our lives doing what? Going to work to make money to pay the bills and eat so we can keep going to work and pay the bills and eat an keep going to……………………………………………….. Please forgive me if I seem a touch bitter right now. I love this nation, and I love all people that are non-violent, but I am disgusted with the present situation.

  12. Yes Michael that day is coming soon. America we love you! Problem is – Commanders are no longer in command, they have been hijacked, and so will future leaders. Please read:
    It`s a hughe responsibility to be freedom fighter in our time, especially if located in America. Please read – and please take back America!

  13. I have been struggling with the poistionary stance of our politicians for quite some time. I have considewred boycotting the upcoming elections here in Virginia, but that would not really help anything, except perhaps the wrong person being elected.

    Where are the politicians who are runnung to serve rather than running to be served? I would love to see a candidate who is running on a platform of domestic solutions. Our domestic problems are much harder to resolve than the international ones because the solutions are in contrast to the way of life we have here. We have got to take on the responsibility for ensuring that our citizens are more adequately cared for and leave the internal civil wars in other countries to those other countries.

    I AM NOT A LIBERAL. However, does it not seem a little outragious that our minimum wage does not even provide enough for a family of three to survive comfortably while a small percentage of our citizens rake in hundreds of thousands and even millions per year? Where does greed end and the desire to give something back to the country that gave you the chance begin? My hat is off to Bill Gates and others who have seen the value in strengthening our country by helping others to succeed.

  14. i think the position as it was offered, but not requested, is that if you’re in the military and fulfilling on something you are so committed to you willingly risk your life for it and for others … you’re a loser and a failure.

    i don’t believe what was expressed yestrerday is a bush vs kerry thing. i think its ones vision of power and promotion becoming transparent. the impact is “a leader?” of our country is willing to pander and appease any view for a vote. even if that means insulting the barvest amongst us. not to mention their families.

    but my main point is that i do not think it is fair to collapse bush into kerry’s comment. kerry expressed himself, as part of his vision for himself, again, on his own.

  15. Miracles happen. The tools for direction of positive thinking and intent toward this issue are available. I am waking up, others are waking, time does not excist in this matter. There is an open floodgate to the power of vision. Working together, bringing this awareness to others is my vision.

  16. I love how S. Africa evolved into the Rainbow Nation. Of course there is hope for us, too. It is too easy to get bogged down in the ‘tangle’ of politics. I don’t even begin to understand it. But this is what I know:

    I am a visionary. I hold my vision. I live my vision. I am a visionary. And I am not alone. Many of us are, we just need to be reminded. We need to ‘wake-up’…and we are.

    To quote an elder of the Hope Nation:

    “Gather yourselves. Banish the word ‘struggle’ from your attitude and vocabulary. All that we do now must be done in a sacred manner and in celebration. For we are the ones we have been waiting for.”

    It’s not somebody else that’s gonna ‘fix’ everything. It’s me…it’s you…it’s us. We are the visionaries! Don’t look ‘out-there’ for the answer. It’s ‘in-you and me’. We’re doing great! Start looking for the greatness instead of the ineptness. Eventually greatness is all you’ll see. And believe me, there is a LOT of it!!!!!!!! WE are the ones we’ve been looking for!

  17. I agree. This country produces too many positionaries opposed to visionaries. We need a leader who can represent our country and its people on an international arena. Now is the time for Globalization! Barack Obama is humbleness expresses what this country needs. NO more positionaries! We need Visionaries!

  18. I am from UGANDA (East Africa).
    I think the time is NOW or NEVER.

    Let us work hand in hand and groom visionaries right from the youthful age because the youths are the future leaders; and we shall have NO regrets.

    Barak Obama, I just don’t know him. However, as long as he is viewed as a visionary, then NO doubt! Why not become the next US president? We would love to see that.

    Uganda in my view (even with the view of my fellow Ugandan visionaries) is simply cursed with positionary leaders all through.

    Just watch… Visionary leaders are next in a few years to come.

  19. “Barack Obama from what I have seen speaks more more like a visionary than a positionary. Could he be America’s next president? Anyone who can communicate as a visionary, rather than a positionary, has an advantage I think. What do you think?”

    I think if you lived in Illinois and saw how, sadly, Barack Omama endorsed Todd Stroger with a big wet smooch, you’d take back your endorsement of him as visionary and change it to “politician.”
    He’s just too young, new and charismatic sounding right now to seem like anything other than a fresh and promising visionary.

  20. I just finished Obama’s new book and can appreciate his visionary views and “centrist” approach. He does make a case for having a certain wisdom in spite of being “young, new, and charismatic.”

    Since the election outcome has now afforded the possibility of more balance, reason, and the voice of many being heard through voting (quite amazing to think that faith has been restored), how shall we build a world community of respect? At the same time, how can we support the leaders who have both the vision and the savvy to work within an established system?

  21. Obama offers nothing new, in my opinion. It’s the same marxist, democratic party BS.

    It’s almost impossible to offer a new paradigm that and win the party nomination, which is based on positionalities. Thus, the american 2 party system prevents change quite well. and other sites are doing the right thing by spreading knowledge but it will take time and don’t necessarily expect any “visionary” politicians to be elected soon, because the political parties depend on old policies to survive.

    I think the best thing we can do is evolve individually… This will help raise the consciousness of the planet and spread valid knowledge.

  22. Let me thank Mr. Claude for his recognition of Vision Force’s work. Vision is expanding and spread.


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