
What's YOUR Heart's Vision?

Build it and they will come…

Posted by on Oct 3, 2006 in News, Visionaries, Visionary Mind

The Vision Force forums have just been released (shhhh… it’s kinda private, even though it’s the headline on our home page). We’re not doing much advertising yet as we’re still in “stealth mode!” ๐Ÿ˜‰

As smart as you are, you’ve probably guessed we’re up to something really big behind the scenes. Can’t fool you, can we? So, check it out, VisionForce is ramping up to facilitate what we see as the greatest shift in conscious thinking in history. Sounds a bit far out, I know. Still, that’s what we’re up to. The world needs drastic changes, and it starts with our thinking. With the shift in thinking that is already underway, tremors will soon be feltย  through the fabric of society. Life as we know it is about to look radically different.

Our new forum area can handle mass quantities of people.ย  We’re starting fresh with no members and no posts–so there is a clean slate for us all. We’re nowhere near even done building the forum area, but in line with our new thinking here at VisionForce, we want YOU to help up us build it. We want the best and brightest, we want the visionary few (that’s you, right?).

For the time being, the boards are primary to be used as study rooms for our various courses. These are not the kind of forums you’ll find everywhere else on the internet. We’re asking every single person who plays here to have as their foremost focus in the forums to be their own personal evolution.

In other words, we are asking you to make “the shift” as you learn and help us create the shift. So, you should be conscious to make certain sub-shifts in your behavior. Here’s one such shift:

away from positionary posting >> towards visionary posting – from relating to new concepts as a threat to my paradigm >> towards new concepts as opportunities to upgrade my paradigm (or build a new one).

It’s characteristic of the Positionary Mind of the Past to filter new concepts and distinctions through what one already believes and then to show others (on forums) what’s incorrect about or missing from the new ideas. We see the usefulness of this in on-line forums that display little more than positionary arguments which do nothing but entrench people in the positions they already held (insert big sighing, eye rolling emoticon here).

Yes, you and I have a lot to share. Afterall, learning and self-development are a few of our highest values. And of course, we want people to see us in all our brilliance. Perhaps how we can best do that here is by being more willing than most to question our existing thinking and behaviours. The greater mark of wisdom will be how much we’re willing to question even the conclusions at which we’ve already arrived.

from displaying knowledge >> towards exercising wisdom

Socrates was considered wise, not primarily because of his ability to deconstruct others’ beliefs with his questioning, but because he never used that ability to assume or claim that he was right. He continually held his own understandings up for scrutiny and questioning.

In view of such inadequacies, Socrates himself professed his ignorance, but others still claimed to have knowledge. Socrates believed that his awareness of his ignorance made him wiser than those who, though ignorant, still claimed knowledge. Although this belief seems paradoxical at first glance, it in fact allowed Socrates to discover his own errors where others might assume they were correct. This claim was known by the anecdote of the Delphic oracular pronouncement that Socrates was the wisest of all men. Wikipedia

We encourage questioning of the new concepts and distinctions–that is part of the socratic method and a hallmark of any wise person. However, rather than focus being on protecting what we already know, showing others how smart we are our how well we can pick apart new concepts and distinctions–rather than by applying the socratic method outward on others–let’s focus first on what we can learn from the new concepts and distinctions–and apply the socratic method on ourselves!

This shift in thinking is part of our overall shift in consciousness from the Positionary Mind of the Past to the Visionary Mind of the Future.

(If, by slim chance, you happen to be reading this and you’d rather tell everyone how much you already know, well then, there are hundreds of thousands of on-line forum boards that would welcome you! ๐Ÿ˜‰ For the rest of us, we’re up to leading the way to a whole new world in thinking and human behavior.)

With that in mind, enter the forums of self-inquiry–a haven for those of us who know that change happens first inside our own mind and heart.


  1. Dear Sir,
    I am humbled by what your’e Visionary Force has created. I am disabled with chronic pain. I have been since May of 2000. I am a member of a Society of few individuals who have the parrallel mission of evolution. I believe that the extra 90% of my brain’s storage space was not an accident of evolution, but is evolution happening right in front of us. I am the founder of the Neural Synaptic Silicate Institute. NSSI is a non profit research & development foundation at the forefront of bio-tech, nano-tech,
    Neural and Silicate(Chip) integration and the advancement of the human conciuosness thru the 90%. I look forward to learning from your forums and commentaryies, I am very interested in my own self-inquiry.
    Thank you for being here at this time.

  2. The internal smiles prompted by reading about this Forum have made my face light up in anticipation of this wonderfully collaborative exercise. I’m glad to do my part and begin with me, even as I know that it’s in relationship that evolution of consciousness will really manifest. How exciting! Thank you …..

  3. Being something of a time traveler, I fail to see a clear distinction between positionary and visionary. Positionary, it seems, is when new evidence presents itself to a closed mind and is rejected without critical examination, in favor of the status quo. Fortunately, time has a way of giving weigh to superior arguments, and this is an ongoing evolution in thinking. There is no final resting place called visionary, where we can all lie back on our laurals and say there is nothing left to discover. If you imagine that to be God, then you need to understand that as we grow, so does God, and God is always steps ahead of us, antisipating the next question.

  4. This is a great time to be.
    Positionary thinking in my mind is isolation. Making general statements and then stopping to think or consider. After all, I would feel comfortable “knowing” how I felt. The shift for me is in not judging other people, places, things. I am looking to myself and my own thoughts and feelings and actions. Being connected to other spirits and visioning a world where people are valued for their own spirit.

  5. I have been following Micheal’s work; on Zaadz for some time. Awakening the Wealth Warrior had a huge impact on me. I did some of Power to Stand and Visionary Mind some time ago. I promised that I would re-do Visionary Mind and post to the forums, so this is the beginning of that effort. I cannot express the positive impact that visionary thinking is beginning to have in my life and thinking. I’m just a neophyte in this kind of visionary thinking, but I am absolutely certain of it’s power to change the world for the better. I work at an AG Tire Plant and Visionary rather than Positionary thinking has literally transformed my workforce and my job there. It has been dramatic in its impact on my family and children. I am looking forward to the journey toward into a future of compassion, love, peace, respect, and happiness. A vision of a future world I never saw previously, but one that is totally clear to me now. I am going to do my utmost to keep that vision clear and real in my mind until I see it actualized in reality. I particularly look forward to interacting with other Visionaries on the forum boards.

  6. Michael this is quite the forum, it is covering that piece of the secret that was not there. I thought I had practiced all the exercises, however the internal makeover is something that most of us need to get through that muck that is embedded in our heads. I could have finally found that missing piece of making the stand for the children of this world that can’t seem to find their place in the world because they learn different. I can actually think in the fact of the school I see every time I pass it becoming a reality. I have meet with many funny looks when I speak of this challenge. However I know that this is the right path to follow for a change to occur for our children and our future overall. I know that with your guidance I will be able to achieve this goal with honor. I look forward to making this change not only in the world but in my overall self and passing this legacy on to the children of the future.

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