
What's YOUR Heart's Vision?

An Inconvenient Truth

Posted by on Aug 13, 2006 in Michael's Journal, Visionaries

I just saw the much talked about documentary by Al Gore on global warming. And, I better first mention that I was skeptical. See, I’ve never been a fan of political force as an agent of positive change, and I’ve always seen environmental issues largely from the side of the entrepreneur. Not that I don’t value the environment, I do. I just 1) don’t put much faith in government solutions, 2) don’t typically trust politicians who give good sounding causes to expand government’s power (and their own), and primarily 3) see and feel the detrimental effect that turning to government for answers has on humanity. I’ll get back to all that later.

I loved the documentary. First, it really made me think. Second, Mr. Gore and his crew chose not to lampoon their adversaries with cheap shots, present the ideas as The truth or their solutions as The solution. Yes, it appears to be a marketing piece for a future presidential bid (and a brilliant one at that). But most of all, I was inspired by the stand this man has taken, the path he has walked and how he has leveraged technology to share his vision. He’s been laughed at for decades for his stand on this issue, turned on, rejected, etc., and still he’s standing.

You really couldn’t ask for a better campaign commercial, but I’m not turned off by that simply because at the same time its’ killer marketing piece for his vision of positive change. Brilliant. Further, it’s an excellent example of how a single visionary has the power to change the world.

I understand now more the deep passion (displayed as frustration and anger) a friend of mine has when she finds me with a door open and the AC on (and why she didn’t laugh when I said, but I’m cooling the earth’s atmosphere to help stop global warming). I have a newfound respect for all the visionaries out there who labor tirelessly to share their message–their call to action. If that’s you reading this, I honor you.

Beyond all of that, what I saw from this documentary is a great parallel between the environment of our planet and the environment of our minds. Few see the full magnitude of the extent to which our survival is threatened by other technologies run rampant. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr., noted 40 years ago, “We have guided missiles, and misguided men.”

What is happening with global warming and the environment is but a microcosm of a much larger problem. Al Gore’s frustration in reaching his fellow human beings is the frustration felt by most visionaries–everyday people who choose to stand for something worthwhile and take bold action to make a difference. There is a great divide in humanity at present.

I submit that just like there is a direct correlation between carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere and the temperature of the earth, there is a direct correlation between a) the levels of power that political, military and other outside forces are given, and b) the amount of war, disease, crime, terrorism, poverty, depression, drug addiction, etc., we see. More specifically, the more we turn to technology-empowered external authorities to solve our problems, the less we look within to be the change and cause the change. And the less we look within, the more we suffer, and the more we turn to irrational excapes, actions and justifications.

Just as Al has found that people not only need to see and feel the magnitude of the problem, they need to see and feel there is actually something they can do about it; so too have we at VisionForce found that it’s not enough to present the problem in a way it hits home for the individual–we must communicate in a way that has people seeing and feeling that they can do something about it (yes, our boot camps are powerful in that regard, but the whole world can’t attend “boot camp!”).
I’ve a general aversion to looking outside ourselves to other forces for solutions, as it overlooks our greatest natural resource for positive change–the force within us. The force of our own conscience, consciousness and vision. There are ways we can “activate” the vision force (sounds like a super hero cartoon action) to cause a ground swell of change.

Because there are many more “inconvenient truths” out there that we are facing in these times of accelerating technology. The world doesn’t need more people to compromise their power, freedom, vision and self-reliance in order to fit in and be comfortable. The world needs more people willing to stand for what matters in the face of it all, and share a vision that lifts even their adversaries to greatness. More on all this later.

Comments? Post below.


  1. I see how we can learn from the way Gore is getting his message out and the way he is mobilizing people. It’s time.

  2. The more of us with integrity and a skill standing together, the less we’ll have to sell out to get the white house. Pull our networks together and save up for Integrity ’08. Surely Unity 08 and the backbone campaign and a hundred other networks can congeal in the next year. We know half of them.

    You Michael oughta complete a circle of master facilitators to generate the rapport and consensus from that circle when it forms. Assume your role by being yourself. Stay open about politics. That power structure can be steered by us and changed by us. You know all the solutions exist and the people do to. Wake up and show up, please lead the leaders into position.

    I love you Michael and thank you for all you do for me to stand strong. Barry Circle 845-750-6002

  3. I have not seen Al Gore’s “An Inconvenient Truth,” however, I have been an advocate for global environmental awareness since ’93. That winter, I took a trip down to the Yukatan and saw the encroaching pollution beginning to affect the jungle. The locals told me that the nights were colder than they have ever been. I was inspired to wright a play about the “shift” of planetary consciousness awakening, (the goddess Gaiea in Greek) and triggering planetary catastrophies… all because we had not listened to the earth’s warnings and signs.

    I am therefore grateful that finally some politician is willing to take a stand on evidence and facts and the obvious conclustions. I look forward to seeing the movie someday.
    As for me, since my play, I have tried to inspire in everyone I meet, to think in terms of a global village, and our participation in what I believe is evolving into a “Global Individually Aware Mind… the GIAMIND.

    Your blog certainly is in harmony with the values that a harmonious planet requires for each individual to exemplify and embody their personal dreams and ideals. By guiding others in your own way to “follow your bliss” in their own way, I believe the needs of the planetary”whole” will be fulfilled as the needs of the plant, animal, and human “parts” is manifested. This will then unfold into something that none of us can imagine but we can at least relate to, in that the microcosm reflects the macrocosm.

    So, yes, I think your blog is aiding the planet.
    As you inspire others to discover and trust their “honorable” nature, they will innevitably come to fulfill their “destiny” and become the missing “part” of the puzzle that the “whole” requires.
    This is also why the totality of that knowledge will remain unknown until it occurs… for the simple reason that:
    “The whole is greater than the sum of its parts.”

    This is a simple maxim that is undeniable and evident everywhere. It is also a great reason to simply trust in your inner guide, your inner power, and your personal vision. We must learn or re-learn to trust that we are all “hard-wired” exactly with the knowledge and dreams that we need in order to live with honor.

    As we come to respect the gift of life and honor each other as fellow souls on life’s wonderous journey, we will witness the magic. For who would ever think, that after the thousands of years of humanity’s struggles with the thorny branches of war, that something as amazing as the flower of humanity would blossom into a tender rose…
    And yet, I believe that is our destiny… or something like it.
    After all, whatever we may imagine the world to be, the whole of reality will always be greater than our philosophy.

    Your vision, Michael, is certainly aligned with this philosophy.

  4. Michael, very thoughtful post. I connected to your through I saw an Inconvenient Truth several weeks ago with my husband, 13 year old daughter (and her girlfriend) and 11 year old son. You could say that they were somewhat resistant to seeing the movie, and that I did not honor democracy or free will in that particular moment. Well, the impact was huge. My daughter asked why this wasn’t playing in the big theaters. All felt that everyone needs to see this movie. Kelsey was so concerned that she said “Mom, I’m not sure if I want to have kids…. I mean – I do want to have kids, but I’m not sure if I should.”

    Well, I let her know that I understood her comments, and that she has time to decide on that one! It has started a series of changes (entirely voluntary – free will is back). We are replacing lightbulbs, I had already switched to windpower, and both our gas guzzlers are for sale, and we are shopping for a Prius. And tonight, we went to see “Who Killed the Electric Car?”. Eye opening, discouraging (corporations and politicians behaving selfishly and very intentionally – to drive profit). I do recommend the movie, although I recommend seeing An Inconvenient Truth first. Also, check out my blog for a few other interesting links, including the Tom Brokaw Discovery Channel special on Global Warming.

    Also, check out This is a framework for activation and passionate change leadership – or what I like to think of as intentional evolution. I am a Bigger Game Coach and leader in training. I am also your ally in your bigger game around Vision Force. Let’s change the world!

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