News, Visionary Mind | September 19th, 2006

Who doesn’t understand the principle that you don’t negotiate with terrorists? By negotiating, you validate and encourage more terrorist action. That’s a pretty sound principle.

So, apparently George Bush is not negotiating with or even talking to the Iranian “regime,” or President Ahmadinejad, as the Iranians “sponsor terrorism” and are part of the “Axis of Evil.”

This is by no means a simple situation. There are many factors to take into consideration. However, the situation is a great example of why Positionary tactics no longer work in today’s world, and why it is time for some new ideas about how we interact with each other as human beings.
If ever there were a time to talk, would it not be *before* we enter into a crisis situation and were at war or on the brink of war? If ever there were a time to rebuild trust, open channels of communication and cooperate, would now not be the time?

Yes, Bush has stated his Position that he will not negotiate with terrorists (or those who sponsor them) and he will not hold talks with Iran until they have verifiably suspended their uranium enrichment program. He has dug himself into quite a corner in an attempt to impose his solution on Iran. Submit, follow and obey–or else.

I’ll come back to that in a minute. First, what is the greatest concern among the most violent opponents of the US in the middle east? Is it that they oppose Western culture? Is it that they fear America? Is it that they want to kill Americans or Christians simply because we are nonbelievers? Is it because they oppose US military presence or policies in the region?

Leaders on either side can explain the actions of the Bush administration’s declared enemies any way they want. But doesn’t it really come down to one thing? The greatest operational value of Positionaries worldwide. More important to all of us than freedom, peace, prosperity, security or anything else is one thing.

Pride. Or more specifically our image in others’ eyes. US policy in the Middle East humiliates its opponents. And they’ll die for their pride or their “honor.”

If this were so, would you expect Iran to halt it’s nuclear program in response to Bush’s threats? Iran backs down and they look like cowards. The fight and they maintain their pride.

Bush backs down and he looks like an indecisive coward…to his enemies and opponents AND to his supporters.
Now, am I suggesting that Bush is only enforcing his position, because he is prideful? No, and here’s the problem. There is a belief (with a lot of supporting evidence) that if Bush backs down, they other side will see it as a sign of weakness and attack more.

Good people use positionary tactics, because they see no other way. In fact, they often believe they’ve “tried” other approaches, and those approaches haven’t worked.

Alas, trying never works. Trying is usually a person’s attempt to prove that their original fears and judgments were right. “See, I tried. They are evil. I told you they’d react that way.” (We can see how well “trying” works in our marriages, once we’re convinced the our spouse just is a certain way.) Trying is what you do when you lack the vision or the moral courage to take a stand. Thus, trying is a Positionary tactic, just as intimidation and ultimatums generally are.

But it’s not as if we can blame the Positionary. From a position, there is no vision. Yet we all too often assume the other person can see what we see and just chooses not to act the way we believe is morally right. This, to us, proves they are just immoral, amoral or… “Evil.”

Really, if you oppose Bush, do you think he sees any other real alternative? Do you suppose he sees a peaceful alternative, but simply wants more power, control and has greedy, evil motives? If so, then you are just as positionary about him as he is about the “Evil” Iranians–or about your party, group or type.

On all sides are human beings. Human beings with children. Human beings with consciousness and conscience. Labelling the other side “Evil,” whether you place that label on Bush, Osama, Ahmadinejad, Nasrallah or someone else is a sorry ass (excuse my French, but I think it’s appropriate) cop out, and an excuse to act without conscience.

What this world needs are people who are willing to risk even the esteem of their supporters and colleagues to stand for values that they hold to be more important than how they look in other’s eyes. People who are willing to stand for something greater, much like the stand that former Egyptian president Anwar al-Sadat took when he broke ranks with all other Arab nations to sign a peace accord with Israel.

It was the belief of Arab Nations that the only way to deal with Israel, viewed as a rogue regime and a symbol of Imerialism, was through force and threat of force. Al-Sadat took a stand in the face of his fears and the judgments of others. There was something worth standing for.

This is the stand that as yet Bush, Ahmadinejad, and other leaders are unwilling to take.

I am quite sure that to the reader who is not very familiar with alternatives to Positionary tactics, the direction proposed here may seem half-baked or naive. A short blog post does not lend itself to presenting a “well-done” new alternative. Yet, such alternatives are being developed by visionaries all over the world. ( is currently building an on-line lab for all of us.)
Really, we cannot go back to the days when one group could rule the world by force. It’s a positionary mind that attempts to find The right or true group or idea (position), then get behind it and try to force the world to conform. Those who will survive, thrive and become mankind’s greatest benefactors will have visionary minds.

This seems like an appropriate time to plug Visionary Mind, a visionary’s trusty rusty compass in the world of the future.

Can you see how both Bush AND Ahmadinejad are standing for something? The problem is how our stands devolve to positions, and our positions then fail to inspire the change and honor the values we originally stood for.

Post your comments below.


  1. Leonid

    Sep 19th, 2006

    I think this is quite simple situation.Ahmadinejad wants nuclear weapons. He aspires to become the leader of Islamic world and hope to annihilate Israel as he oppenly proclaimed.Obviously Bush cannot allow that,since nuclear bomb in the hands of islamic fascist means the end of civilization and return to dark age.
    The question of pride here is only marginal.Any attempt to find “middle road” will end up in total disaster.

  2. W

    Sep 19th, 2006

    It would seem the Iranian regime has a position. In short they are defending their right to make nuclear bombs, wipe Israel off the map and prove the holocaust never happened. This may appear as a vision but it is really positional.

    Other stated positions include convert or die and kill the pope. Maybe that is a vision? Visons don’t know the diffrence between right or wrong and good or bad. But then again moraility is often a pit fall.

    Its simply what is being said.

    I will suggest that when influenced by the opinion of others we have no vision of our own.

    I say Bush is taking a stand. Bush is standing for HIS vision.

    In short, he has a vision of democracy. Is it a crime that he may also invision a favorable outcome for his country too? He is the leader of a nation. Would I be a sell out to say the greatest nation? :-(

    That the President is not talking with the Iranian President I am reminded of a very wise old quote ” do not answer a fool unto his folly unless thy folly fall unto thee”

    The Iranian President speaks with a hateful tongue. He makes agreements that he does not honor. I know … so do we …

    The UN enforces little or nothing it is charged with. Is this visionary?

    Too many of Bush’s countrymen are influenced by a foreign opinion/position.

    Does anybody really think its the benevolence and good nature of the outspoken members of the Middle East or the UN that people have not blown themselves up, say in Grand Central Station, at around 8:46 am on a Tuesday??

    Does anybody realize that virtually every conflict we have been in in recent history has been to defend Middle Easterners? Do you realize our defending the Bosnians against the Serbs (who loved us) has resulted in the strongest terrorist base in Europe and to top it off the Serbs hate us now too?

    Is it bad that buy oil or is it bad that the people we buy it from do not share the HUGE profits with their people.

    We give more aid much more aid to this world, have given more blood for others in this world, then any other country or group of countries combined. If we can’t be proud of that at least we can have some self respect and not sell our values or mistake our purpose for someone elses.

    Does anybody really think in such a world wide political climate of hate greed and insanity it serves us or the world that the USA should be governed by an International Court?

    In an insane world the sane occur as insane.

    Hey we aint perfect. But we have vision. We certainly have vision in the context of the USA vs Iran.

    You hooked me … congratulations!



  3. Lisar

    Sep 19th, 2006

    Very thoughful post. Thanks. It seems to me that in order to evolve from positionary to visionary, we must be willing to question our assumptions. If we label someone evil, we block ourselves from understanding what drives that person. Now, if we instead strive to dialogue with people, we may find we still disagree with them but we might also learn something about them that we didn’t know before. And perhaps we might even discover an alternative solution that we never would have considered when we were entrenched in a position.

  4. Linda Peterson

    Sep 19th, 2006

    Hmmmm…My husband and I had a little tiff over a white lie. He stated he felt he had to lie to avoid the tiff we just had. Had I not found out, we would not have had the tiff he was lieing about to avoid. But alas, I found out so we had a tiff!

    Visionaries could be labled moral, immoral, right, wrong. My point is on this planet there are universal laws of life which cannot be anything than what they are.

    A lie is a lie.
    We must have food to survive.
    We must have water.
    We must have heat in the winter.
    Fruit and Vegetables are necessary.
    Pesticides can kill.
    Burning oil is not good for the environment.
    Wind and air power are non-polluntants.
    Nuclear anything is not good.
    If we get rid of all the trees we will not have oxygen.

    We are social beings.
    We need people to exist.
    The Human species has an unconditional need to survive.

    Its not philosophy! It is truths. There is no inbetween.

    Can you imagine a UN meeting where everyone in the room just spoke the truth. Where they all saw a vision of a world where everyone could learn to help each other obtain the basic needs of human existance. They all stood up and said no. We’re not going to listen to this anymore.Then maybe we could make the world a better place (as if it wasn’t perfect before we got here!)

    Isn’t that the only vision?

  5. Carrie

    Sep 19th, 2006

    So far, it looks like the guys are taking positions. I have to say I’m with the women (Lisa & Linda) on this one. Seems like I read an email from Michael about this… ;-)

  6. Frank Butterfield

    Sep 19th, 2006

    There is always a way for everyone to win. For myself, letting go of the need to be right is the first step to finding that way. I don’t mean right in a moral or ethical sense, but right on a personal level. Sometimes just being willing to let it go is enough…

    For instance, I have a lot of anger towards the president and the way he has governed since he came into office. I find myself wanting to show how he has really messed up the country to anyone who will listen. But that is just me wanting to be right. And me being right will not solve anything or move anyone to action.

    In my heart, I can see that the solution to this particular problem lies outside of polarity. For everyone to win, I think we have to let go of our positions and find the middle way.

    Whatever our conflict, our positions are causing the conflict. If we can let go of our positions we can find a solution that works for everyone.

    I don’t know what Bush’s position is. I don’t know what Ahmadinejad’s position is. I do know what mine is, however. And in this conflict (as in the rest of my life), I am willing to let go of my need to be right and to find a vision that can transform myself and everyone it touches.

    Thanks Michael for raising this question.

  7. John D.

    Sep 19th, 2006

    This is just another glaring example of the mess the United States is in now six years into the neo-con Bush regime. It has been an abysmal ride from the days of a true Visinary leader like Bill Clinton to a positionary deceptive ogliarchy under W.

  8. John Morris

    Sep 19th, 2006

    I think this goes back to a famous man who lived about 2000 years ago… Jesus Christ. Now, I’m not a Christian or even religious, but the teachings of this man can’t be ignored. Most importanly, his teachings on Unconditional Love and forgiveness.

    Can Islamic terrorists be forgiven for 9/11?

    Boy o’ boy, that’s a tough pill to swallow, isn’t it? Can we “turn the other cheek” and look on our sworn enemies with forgiveness, compassion, and Unconditional Love?

    Yet, until we can do that, can we ever uncover a real solution to world conflict? If we stil harbor feelings of hatred, resentment, and revenge… can we ever make peace?

    Ultimately, it’s this that keeps us locked in our positionary ways, because to create a vision the brings our friends and enemies together… we have to first be able to think benevolently about or “enemies”. If we can’t do that, we can’t create a vision that incorporates them. Our vision will always move toward some way of destroying them… and devolve into a position.

    But, how many people can really forgive those terrorists for murdering thousands of innocent people?


    Yet, consider the other side…

    How many Iraqis can forgive U.S. troops for bringing about the deaths of thousands of Iraqis? How many Arabs can forgive the U.S. for supporting a country (Israel) that has murdered thousands of innoncent Arabs? How many Muslims can forgive Christians for murdering thousands of their ancestors during the Crusades?

    We don’t forgive for those kinds of things, do we? We vow revenge… and the cycle of violence is perpetuated.

    Yet, Jesus Christ as he hung on the cross spoke the words…”Father, forive them for they know not what they do…”

    Can anyone really call themselves a Christian until they can make the same statement?

    Unconditional Love… forgiveness… visionary… until you can make the connection, you will always be stuck.

    Looking forward to your comments… :-)

    John Morris

  9. Grant

    Sep 19th, 2006

    wow! what can i say except enough of the shortsightedness, that i see hear and everywhere in the media. Is it really as simple as they attacked us, now they want nuclear weapons; what do we do?
    First let us just look at some history. Iran had a fledging Democracy in the 50′s, they wanted to Nationalize the Oil Fields (don’t look now but we are about to do the same in Venezuela-already see the demonizing of Chavez. Yet look at all he has done in his country. Literacy upp 80%. Medicine, for all. Hell, they sent some of the first doctors into New Orleans!) Our government, ie oil companies did not like this. We sponsor a “regime change” and voila, you get the Ayatollah (excuse my spelling) which leads to today’s government. Then we invade there neighbor and enemy in the disguise of Democracy? Then we state that we want a democratic system throughout the Middle East? Palestinians got that and the voted in Hamas! We say to bad we willnot deal with them. But were they not elected? Who are we to decide? Did we not support the IRA? How do you think England felt. Did they have the right to bomb Boston because it was Irish and supportive of the cause against England? People please think about how we got here and stop being a typical American. Look out beyond the news you are spoon fed. Look beyond 10yrs of history. Look at our policies. We support the Taliban/Afghan Rebels one day, then we are against them. Face it our policies are all too often shortsighted, and only look at the near picture. See Iraq? Only 1 years of planning and insight. Now year 6?
    Listen I live in NYC. Those terrorists hit my home, and your country. I dispise the pain and suffering they brought about, and everyone reponsible should be held accountable. But killing and bullying the world for actions that were not theirs is not the way to get respect nor understanding. Did you respect the bully in your school? Think about it, and yes it is scary to admitt that we that all of us may not always be 100% right. The truth, the answer lies somewhere in the middle…

    I can rant for hours, but will spare you all for now. If i accomplish one thing it is to get some of you to question that which you see, that which you read. Remember they have a reason for slanting for not telling the whole truth as it is, and yes it is very cynical why!


  10. Jayant Karandikar

    Sep 19th, 2006

    There is nothing to disagree with you. But here we are facing two situations every leader in this world is facing:
    — He takes a position based on “Hero Worship”, gets acceptance by majority of his people and continues to rule.
    — He takes a stand, shows vision, but majority is against being ill informed, being in power, everybody grudgingly accepts and a new status is evolved. somebody remembers and eliminates the visionary. That is what happened to Mahatma Gandhi, that is what happened to Smt Indira Gandhi.
    So that is where we are now. Position taken by Bush on Iraq has shown to be complete failure. More Iraqies are dying than under Saddam. And once upon a time US supported Saddam by providing arms he wanted because he was keeping communist at a distance. US HAS supported more tyrants and allowed them to kill more people because it satisfied US positionaries. Bush is no different.
    And so we cannot expect Bush to show courage and meet Ahmedinijad. Even though he does not have to win any presidential election, he will not take the stand.
    Actually, in that international free space, United Nations, nobody need to take a position. That space was created with a vision and so irrespective of any differences over vexed issues leaders from all nations MUST meet and exchange views. May be situations will change and we can have a better solution, and a better world to live in.

  11. Kerry Walker

    Sep 19th, 2006

    It’s not until we realized that thought has created, invented all the religions throughout the world and that no religion is going to solve our problems and that this energy behind all life is unknown and mysterious, that all our problems can be solved.

    All we need to be content is food (and water or what have you), cloths, and shelter. We are a country that beats to the drum of the big lie of organized religion and the idea of ambition and power, always seeking pleasure. We must come to realize what we are and who we are, simply human beings living on this marvelous earth with all the wonderful creatures. This idea of becoming something greater in the spiritual since is an illusion: You are already there.

    It is not nuclear power that is the problem; this is a clean and efficient source of energy. The problem is each one of us and our unwillingness to put away our bizarre crutches and look at who we are. Your consciousness is not separate from the rest of mankind…Look at what you are, and bring change there, and this will bring change to the rest of mankind. You cannot “try” to bring about this change; it has nothing to do with effort.

    President Bush and all these politicians and this problematic government are never going to do anything but create more problems and, if they remain unchecked, they will eventually destroy mankind and this beautiful planet we call home.

    Kerry Craig Walker

  12. Steve

    Sep 19th, 2006

    seems to me its easy for them to justify to themselfs hateing us if we treat them with violence and like they are sub humans. Its hard to kill somone who is truelly kind and treats you with respect. If we had helped the world with the money we spent on this war that bush almost single handedly pushed and got we would have a wall
    of real pratection around us because the world would find it hard to hate us and not see us as a blessing. Being cocky and pretending we are so much more important than anyone else just because we were born were the power is will only get us killed and help get a real war against us started.

    Imagine if during the cold war we just desided we wouldnt talk to the russians. If Regan had not talked to them the berlan wall would still be there. What the hell these are men not kids not talking to them is stupid and childish. and so many peoples lifes are at stake maybe evan my own. Bush has acted like a bulley who is very arragent I wish he realised how many peoples blood is on his hands. I for one feel like a fool cause i voted for him the first time. I really thought he cared but when i saw the video of him laughing and jokeing right before he declared on tv that we were going to war I really didnt care if he died or not that level of coldness really is sad to me in a leader.

  13. emily

    Sep 19th, 2006

    I support our president Mr.Bush 100%. Terrorism has destroy many families all over the world, our country was one of the last one to be touch by terrorists. Many of us forgot September 11, we as a free nation can’t aloud terrorists to have any control. We should continued the war until they are eliminated.

  14. El Gato

    Sep 20th, 2006

    I find it very sad that few have any clue at all about what is happening in the world.
    The US has the most corrupt government on the face of the Earth, and yet, the war criminals Bush?Cheney, et. al. are merely puppets.
    There is nothing visionary about empire building at the cost of thousands, probably miilions, of innocent lives.
    Lies and deceit, murder, total lack of respect for the US Constitution and the rule of law epitomize the Bush regime.

  15. Val

    Sep 20th, 2006

    WOW, what a pandoras box you have opened here Michael. What shows so clearly after reading your post and the many comments above, is that we are all clinging to our POSITIONS….as ill-informed as they may be. Ask yourself how your particular background, history, culture and socialistion has built these views in you. Do you question that which is fed to you day by day right now?

    I come from a large and amazing land far across the sea that once stood for understanding, giving your ‘mate’ a fair go and openness built on the rewarding experience of multiculturalism. What I now see is a country whose leaders have followed others blindly… in the hope for power, for a larger piece of that global economic pie. Fair enough Australia has never been affected directly by terrorism, except for bombings in Bali, but there is much that has been lost….individual freedom, the informed voices of dissent. I see a nation of people in fear and when in fear people close ranks, play life safe. Understanding goes out the window, particularly, understanding of others who may not be the same as ourselves. What I resent most is that we are made to feel dumb by a majority of the leaders in the world today. I do know the history, I do know how much the US has contributed to the legacy of the very terrorism it proclaims to now be saving us all from. Stop the lies, people will respect that.

    I saw a real opportunity after 9/11 for the US to change the course of history, to have done what was not expected. To have done the honourable thing!! Not attack in retaliation (especially since there was no link to Iraq, but thats for another time), but to understand. To consider what this message was about, to hear the cry of help that this was.

    Please let go of the idea of sides, we are HUMAN FIRST. The enemy changes day to day, while people, mostly women and children, and hope is destroyed day by day too.

    Peace and love

  16. Jude D.

    Sep 21st, 2006

    Really, I think Bush was raised on ‘show `em how big yer guns are, an` they’ll back down’-politics, which work as long as either ‘yer guns’ are noticably bigger and/or the “enemies’” ’cause’ is smaller than yours.

    The ‘guns’ of the “terrorists” are a mystery to all (and thus ‘to be feared’). And their cause (either what each man feels about his gods’ commandments, and/or heavy craziness) is much larger than our ‘protection of other humans’ lives’ … which is the only reason we’re given, even though ‘killing to protect them’ may seem like a step-backward.

    What I’ve been ‘defending’ Bush against is accusation of lie-telling. I’m like, ‘HELLO PEOPLE; “Politician,” not “history-teacher!” He’s not gonna tell you “what happened,” but only “what he’s paid to tell you!”‘

  17. Jeremy

    Sep 21st, 2006

    I must say that I agree with Kerry above. When we break it down and look as far back in history as we can, we see that it is religion that has been forced upon us causing war and terror. If you really decide to be honest with yourself, and with the facts that we have, you will see that this is the basis of all that is wrong in the world today. Here in America, we have a clever disguise for using the same tactics as the terrorists throughout all of time: patriotism. We have been told from the get-go that we must pledge allegiance to this country and support it’s leaders without questions and in blind faith. This is simply another version of the tactics used by religions since the dawn of time. Because we are in America, where we founded this country on freedom of religion, and separation of church and state, the people in power had to find a way to perpetuate their power. And so we are told that “they” know what’s best for us, that “they” are working for our best interests, and that we should not question their authority. I say bollocks (no i’m not british, but i love that saying). This country was founded by men with a vision for a brighter future for all of mankind. But somewhere along the line, the people in power resorted back to their trusty old positions and screwed our government up for good.
    I propose this: until we can effectively come up with an entirely new form of governmental process, this situation will only get worse.
    The only way that we can stop war and terrorism is to stand up and leave all of our preconceptions behind. We have to begin to question everything we’ve been told for all of our lives. This is hard to do, and for that reason, there will be many throughout the world who will do everything possible to stick to the old ways and keep us down in the hole we’ve been in since the beginning. If that happens, there is only one outcome: EXTINCTION. You see, this is more than just a war. This is more than just countries disagreeing. This is the final war, the war that will determine our fate: evolution, or extinction.
    Mr. Bush will never allow any major changes to take place in the government. Niether will his successor, unless he/she has the strength and the vision to stand up and abolish our current form of government.
    How can this be done? What needs to change? Who will lead us?
    Well, first of all, i believe that the only reason there should even be a government is to protect us from force. All other branches of the government should cease to exist. With the exception of courts, police, and military, there should never be any other branches of government for fat old men to live off the production of the population. We need to change the way we view the world, starting with ourselves. Once we begin to see ourselves as the heroes we were all meant to be, we will see that there will be no reason for anyone else to lead us. We can follow our own vision and the world will soon begin transform before our very eyes.

    Anyways, thats just the way i see things. Sorry for going on for so long, but this is a pretty touchy subject for me. Never liked bush from the get-go.

  18. starkserious

    Sep 21st, 2006

    Yes everyone has positions…they can’t help it because we are human. What I pay attention to is Cause/Effect. What’s going to happen with the current strain of positions that are being reflected by the various leaders. The “BLOW BACK” a term coined by the State Dept many years ago refers that any position we take against a country whether it be military or social has a blow back effect. The current trend doesn’t bode well for the world because none of the major leaders are presenting compelling visions to the world. Death, destruction, fear, intimidation, and hate aren’t values that created anything worthwhile unless you enjoy those beliefs. Love is the answer but it requires great courage and taking a stand for the good of all.

  19. 2sharedivine

    Sep 24th, 2006

    One (padded) room
    All the “Leaders”
    A big padlock for the room door
    Food, Water, Blackets
    No set date for release until a peaceful settlement is achieved


    Wouldn’t it be nice if it was that easy. But, maybe it is. It seems so easy for leaders to conscript or declare war. How is this leadership? These leaders need to lead away from death – toward life. Instead of axe-grinding, solutions, real solutions, could be put in place if true will was there to do it. What William McDonough alludes to in the moving video previously posted…is any thought being given to the seven generations…how to love all of the children, of all species, for all time? There is too much division, but it starts with each and every one of us.

  20. David Losey

    Sep 24th, 2006

    While President Bush’s Stand of “Not Dealing with Terrorists” may be well intended, The consequences of Ignoring the opportunity to sit down and discuss the differences, Their Ideology and Our’s Is Not just Arrogant and Over Bearing,
    Any one can start a Fight or even a Wa!
    The measure of any person or Nation is One that will sit down and talk with those whom they disagree; they try to negotiate a reasonable settlement to avoid a conflict.
    While there are major differences in the Middle Eastern Cultures, their history, religious beliefs and life style, etc, and the Western World;
    Our Political Advisors and Diplomats, have, for years, maintained such a Calavlier and Over-Bearing Attitude toward them, their beleifs and ideology it is no wonder they feel as they do.
    Over the years, Their general poplulation’s Attitudes and Mind Sets have been Fanned by Many Radical. Most have told for since childhood, That Western People and Nations are their Enemy. While not entirely, they have been deceived by many.
    Their rational, without full knowledge of Western Cultures Is Why they feel as they do toward Our Country and Others.
    The Big Question is: What has Western Civilization Done
    over the last century to learn about them, their culture, etc?
    For the most part, We as a Nation, have failed to recognize the basics needs of Humanity Understanding other Cultures..
    In many ways our country seems to convey and pratice, . . . On a Grand Scale, The Parent-Child Syndrome.
    Do as I Say, Not as I do! If you do as I say, I’ll help you. . . .
    If you don’t, . . . I will punish you! “Compliance & Control”
    With that philosophy, it is no wonder we have so many International problems and Our Country is in Jeopardy..
    Our Pragmatism, our lack of Empathy, Understaning and Unwillingness to accept another’s lifestyle or their rational for their actions: Are the Primary Reasons why the Age Old reaction of Cause & Effect occurs!.
    It is about “CONTROL” and “RESPECT”
    When Opression and Controsl are eimposed, combined with Ignorance, Intolerence, Greed, Ego, Arrogance, Lack of Humanity: Lack of Respect, Lack of Enpathy, Civility, Lack of Communication.
    When communications break-down between potential adverseries and they Refuse to Sit Down and Neogotiate to Resolve Their Differnces; . . .:
    The recipiants of these actions Feel Threatened!
    Their defense against these Threats Is: REPRISAL!
    The Consequence: “CHAOS”
    David Losey

  21. Jawed

    Sep 24th, 2006

    I respect everyone’s opinion, but let me say this, A position is based on a vision. People take positions based on their beliefs or “vision”. That vision might be right or wrong (depending on who you ask) but at least they have a vision, unlike many others who just blindly move towards the future not anticipating what might happen next..

  22. Stipe

    Sep 26th, 2006

    I look at your history and I find that your nation was built upon the foundation of Judeo/Christian beliefs. 95% of those that signed the declaration of independence professed Jesus Christ as their lord and saviour. All of these men were educated agreat colleges and universities with Christ as their underpinning foundation. If you read the writings of all your past great leaders they were visionaries because they were moved by their relatioship to Christ. This relationship resulted in their relising their purpose in life resulting in them becoming men of vision. Most of what you are educated about your past is only filtered removing hteir true motivations and rewritten witha godless humanist perspective. This makes it a lie what you are taught today. Man has always wanted to become GOD, but how can the uncreated ever become the created, this is an impossability. Today most people view christianity as a restriction on life, I suppose this is because they have experienced or seen hypocracy. But do you throw out the baby with the bathwater? True Christianity is an intimate relationship with the living God through his son Jesus Christ. In that intimacy of relationship you will come into a real and true freedom. I liken it to a man who falls inlove with a beautiful woman, he will do any thing for her at his own expense – it is from a position of love atrue freedom inexpressible. This is what your nation needs to get back to, its origional foundation which made it great.
    I am an Aussie, I dont live in your country, I dont think your country is perfect neither is mine, but your nation came to great power and influence in this world through its origional strong foundation. MOst of your educators are working hard to eliminate this foundation and you will eventually see a collapse.
    Your President is not a perfect man but he is a man of vision. He saw that they ways of past generations of leaders was not solving problems but actually generating them or projecting them into the future. He decided to confront the issues and be counted even at the expense of his poularity. He would no longer follow a Chamberlain/Hitler approach any more.

    You Americans have started believing the lie that all that is going on with terrorism etc is a direct result of your past actions. This is not true! Brittain and france would therefore deserve more retibution for their past actions within the middle east than the USA. No! The situation today exists becaus educators within the nations producing terrorists are free to preach hatred. This propaganda of hatred has penetrated these nations to a critical mass. Therin lies the problem, how do we influence them to a new way of thinking without resorting to manipulation and brainwashing?

    It will take the will of those nations leaders to confront the problem and creat a vision of goodwill and benevolence towards all men. The only effective way I kow that this can be done is through the goodnews of Jesus Christ. It has produced the results through the centuries. I have seen it transform violent selfish corrupt men and women into moral sacraficial and benevolent people.

    Can we force this upon people? No1 Never! How can we do it? Your nation needs to go back to its roots and restablish its foundation. Your nation has had a chance through your current president, but he is only in power for another two years. It is the leaders of a nation that influence the heart of the nation but I fear time is running out. You have one of the greated president in the modern era who is willing to think outside of the box , take calculated risks anfd take action to try and better this world without compromise. The hedonism that has been rampant will probably overun your nation and it will lead to its down fall. Your only hope is that a good man will take over the batton in 88.
    Religion is not always the evil, it is those that use religion to manipulate and distort the truth for their own will and purposes that is the evil. Same as those that manipulate your past history for their own will and purposes.
    People to day in general are rather shallow as they are only interested in themselves and whats in it for me! But is there no hope? Yes there is as long as you and I are alive and we are willing to sacrifice our lives for the good of others. As long as we are willing to become men and women of vision to make a difference. However a baseless vision will only produce empty results of limited standing.
    Go to Ghandi and you will find out that he had a friendship with a christian minister in South Africa and he learned of Christ and his preaching of the beatitudes in Matthew chapters 5 to 7. Ghandi applied these principles and set his nation of India free from foreign occupation. Unfortunately he could not impart his ways to others to duplicate himself -the reason is that he used the priciples appart from their source
    Get back to the foudations that established your great nation and your nation will become and remain great.
    A few thoughts from downunder

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