News | August 15th, 2006

Really, we don’t know our own power to change the world. It’s cliche, but the power is really within us. I plan to tour the US and select countries beginning in 2007 with several Vision Force Boot Camp graduates.

by the way, we’ve recently chosen *not* to have another boot camp in 2006 in order to create space for the evolution of VisionForce into a vehicle that can drive real change in the world, on a much grander scale. If you were planning to attend our usual fall boot camp, I apologize. We will announce the spring boot camp dates soon, so stay tuned.

We spend so much time thinking about, talking about and being involved in political campaigns and controversies… as if political force is our best shot at change. It’s not! By far, it’s not. Most of the positive change we’ve seen in the world in the last 30 years has been from vision force–our natural ability as individuals to see a vision worth pursuing and then taking a stand and making it happen. Entrepreneurs, inventors, social entrepreneurs, community leaders, parents, teachers–you, we, are the ones who’ve brought the most possible change to the world–not politicians. Hey, I’m not saying don’t be politically active, I’m just saying what if we invested much more of the time, energy and money we invest in political force and invest it instead in our own minds and spirits–our vision force?!
What if?

JOIN US! Let’s campaign for vision!
If you’d like to talk about joining forces with VisionForce in a campaign to bring vision to the world, then reply to this post. You could be a local contact in your city or take on any of a myriad of other roles. Many more details to come. This is just an initial feeler. Just planting a seed.

If you’re used to just reading the VisionForce emails or blog entries, I challenge you to make your voice heard. This game of life is more exciting on the field. Come play with us. Say whatever is on your mind. Share your ideas for how we can bring vision to the world.


  1. Bob Daulby

    Aug 17th, 2006

    I am already changing the world in a much subtler way. You see, sometime ago, I believed that, when you change the parents then you change the children. In my case, it was about changing our forefather’s from beyond this life in such a way that, in time, will have an amazing and beautiful affect upon this material world. My vision for this world (and the next) is a big one and I am living it right now.

    I know this may be hard to believe but I have changed heaven itself. There will come a time when I can explain this better so that it wont be so hard to understand or accept that, changing this world is not nearly as difficult as people believe. It all begins with an idea. Then, with faith in one’s self and the guts to follow it up, not just this world but that everything and everyone benefits to way beyond imagination in both seen and unseen worlds alike throughout all infinity. Benefit worlds and we benefit ourselves too.

    It begins with us – knowing who and what we truly are and that, what we truly are, are Soveriegn Entities – or rather – ‘Gods’ in our own right. Once we can hold that truth firmly in our hearts then, not only worlds but that our dreams become reality.


    Dream BIG.

    ACT upon it.

    …and it *will* be yours.

    Thank you for your time.

    Bob Daulby

  2. Elonifer Skyhawk

    Aug 18th, 2006

    Dear Michael,

    I am “great-full” that you have found the spark and inspiration to manifest your vision of activating others to manifest their vision. I completely resonate with you!
    I am indeed on that noble path to rise above the conflict of seaming opposites and I strive always to meet with others as Rumi states: “in the field beyond rightness and wrongness.”

    Is there a place for me in Vision Force? I follow the unfolding path of synchronicity as the flower of humanity blossoms. I walk the edge of its fragrant scent, and seek always to ride the “flow” into the present.
    To manifest the dream of an evolved people, “to dream the dream awake,” is the only vision I follow. I do not define the “package” it will arrive in, I merely do what I can to encourage the petals
    to reveal their precious gift.

    I am encouraged that you have the wisdom to seek others to extend your vision, and I am honored that such an opportunity to be a part of Vision Force is even presented to me.
    I am actually thrilled that so much of what you write is what I am constantly writing myself! So it would seem that synchronicity is guiding me in this path and I am eager to discuss ways in which I may play a role in VF.
    So far, I find nothing in your insctruction that conflicts with my own beliefs and everything that re-enforces my own philosophy.

    So bring it….!

    in the dance,

  3. Val

    Aug 20th, 2006

    At reading your message I felt the flow of tears quickly come up in my eyes. I felt the hurt of so much time spent not saying or acting on what was real within me. I still struggle with fear everyday, but I want to speak and I think my words call out to that scared person in so many of us. One who believes, but has lost hope, that still dreams, but has forgotten they can come true.

    This will be an enormous endeavour for you personally and professionally. But so very worth it!! What if we could impact the way in which we as humans feels about our place in the world. If we could remind all that power is within, not without. That the responsibility of living lies with all of us.

    I live in Asutralia and would be honoured to be involved in VF if coming to this country. Much has happened in my homeland in the last decade that has tainted both our hearts and pounded our faith. But I believe we as people contributed to letting it happen too. Time to stand…..It may well be just the time to start first ripples then a complete shift in the tide.

    Peace, love and courage

  4. Harrison Gitau

    Aug 28th, 2006

    Jambo’ Mr. Michael
    Thanks for this great idea of yours.
    since when i join VF academy iam determain to change the world through youth and leadership like here in kenyan most of the youth are not part of change.
    please advice me and help me to bring the change

  5. Joseph Phillips

    Sep 3rd, 2006

    I keep seeing Vision Force Pop up on the Zaadz Web Site. So here I am checking things out. I am not political at all because when I hear anything to do with Politics, I dont have the best of thoughts.

    I feel Vision Force will Bring the good in all people together. No Wars, No Poverty, No Crime. Just an enlightened society world wide.

  6. JMoss

    Sep 26th, 2006

    Your VF messages jar my consciousness…..and rattle my cage. I find myself looking forward to each message as I try to make sense of all of it….but it pierces deeply into the roteness of my daily existence…and forces me to search and seek clarity within my values, my beliefs. It seems lifetimes ago, i organized for empowerment, for social change—I had dreams to fulfill a destiny that was so far above my circumstances….all these things are quashed by the structures, beliefs, conformity to the systems that exist…..all that past work for a vision have brought tremendous highs and lows….as I put my life back together through a measured pace of seeking peace and once more gathering strength, there are many questions…..for how to achieve anything…I’ve studied models of successful people for years…..have spent far too much time, please, proving and achieving for all the “not exactly right” reasons……flying through life slightly off kilter, achieving great success then crashing into walls……of disillusionment, with the process with the seeming cold hearted collectiveness of those in corporate society. I never did fit that model….but kept trying to anyway. It seems all those who achieved the greatest things….had total fearlessness, passion and belief……unwavering vision….they could see the outcome, before it happened in what we call “real” time——they made their own world, their own rules……you have to be totally confident, secure and committed to do that-have total faith in the vision and in yourself…..I think…I’m working on that still…VF it seems is speaking directly to the heart of all that ……J.M.

  7. Paul

    Dec 6th, 2006

    Hi Michael,
    My name is Paul Ntoumos. I am from Melbourne Australia. I have been on the VisionForce subscription list for a few months and I have purchase the VisionaryMindPackage a few months ago. The distinctions are very powerful and I am working / using then on a daily basis. Also, thanks to an invitation you extended recently, I have registered with the John Matterson’s Ultimate Business Building course. This is my first post here and my ‘Hello and Welcome”.

    I wish to acknowledge you for the powerful contents of the VisionForce program. It is inspiring … one of those ‘ideas/offerings’ whose time has come and as you rightly pointed out, which is and will increasingly propagate in a ‘viral’-like way and in conjunction and partnership with other like-inspired movements will create the consciousness ‘tipping-point’ that his the hope of all aware people on this planet. I sense it has a destiny of its own and will indeed ‘take the world by storm’.
    I believe that there is power in witnessing and acknowledging another’s work and in doing so that power flows to the one who ‘acknowledges’. Also, there is even greater power available in contributing to each other’s work and vision. As you often said in your various posts, the world needs each and every individual’s vision. Some have the ability to awaken others’ buried or sleeping vision. I acknowledge you for being one of those individuals. It hasn’t worked logistically for me to attend any of the VisionForce boot camps in the USA. I am hereby taking the stand for one of such boot camps to be held here in Australia in the not too distant future. (Val, I haven’t communicated this to Michael or anyone else yet, but a few days ago, I got present to an old dream I had a few years ago which I then named ‘Envisioning Australia” . A presence of VisonForce in Australia would create a huge momentum for that). It only requires a number of committed people with a vision, taking a stand and getting into action …having lots of fun in the process. My personal interest is to have one such event available for 2 specific communities.
    The first one is the youth in Aboriginal communities of the Central Desert (i.e. Alice Springs, Uluru and such). I personally have some good friendships with Aboriginal Elders in those areas which may be leveraged to bring it forth as a reality. (Michael, if you found running the Kenyan savannah an exhilarating experience, running in the sunset in Kata Tjuta (I invite you to find pictures of that area of Central Australia on the net ) is giving one access to an altogether different realm of experience, it is like communing with a landscape and a being-ness that has 40,000 years history carved in its rocks.
    The second one is the high schoolers of the dozen or so Steiner schools in this country (obviously including any other young people in that age range … the Steiner schools just happen to be my personal area of interest, and a community where I have a great number of contacts… ).

    This post is a little bit long …. I apologise for that.
    I am looking forward to the first visit of the VisionForce crew in Australia … let’s say end of 2007 ?? … beginning 2008 ??… what d’ya think Val …Michael …any other Aussie on this forum …. feasible?
    A great sage of the early 20th century pointed out that if each human being was able to manifest their unique, individual contribution to the world, the world would be hugely transformed.
    Kind Regards.

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