News, Visionary Mind | August 14th, 2006

(I thought I’d post this email that I sent to those beta-testing the Power To Stand course. Advance warning… I’ll use many terms here that may be unfamiliar to those who are new to conversations from Power To Stand or the realm of conscious evolution.)

May I speak to you of your path to conscious evolution?

By “path to conscious evolution” I mean simply the ways in which you personally work to evolve your self, so that you can be the change you seek in the world.

You likely know the dangers of a positional mind. Those of us who still consciously operate from the realm of fear-based Truth and Righteous Judgement are sourcing the war and terror of our world.

You likely also understand that we grow up in a world that conditions us to form a positional consciousness. It’s how we protect ourselves from the pain of shame and guilt directed at us from the fearful positions of others.

And so, whether you and I want to not operate with a positional mind is often besides the point. How do we evolve ourselves beyond that so that we might positively affect the conscious evolution of those around us?

Perhaps you are someone who seeks enlightenment (however you define it) or inner peace through practices such as meditation. Perhaps you read the writings of people you esteem to be enlightened, such that you can further evolve your thinking to that of a more enlightened being.

Whatever your personal path to conscious evolution, consider what I am about to introduce to you. It’s a methodology you can
use to accelerate your personal journey to power (power to “be the change,” power to inspire the change, power to “do the change”).

What does a practice such as meditation give us? One benefit is an expanded sense of self–or an identification of self not as separate but as one with all that is. Some consider achieving this state as an end in itself.

However, I’ll bet that for you it is also a means. It’s a means to the freedom to *not* act from a fear-based, dualistic, conscious position. And thus, meditation can be a tool to be the change and do the change.

Of course, even with a practice like meditation, you find your mind coming back to it’s well-formed positions. This presents a major challenge in being the change, inspiring the change and doing the change.

For all the time you spend with practices such as meditation that work to liberate your consciousness form its position, your mind spends much of the rest of the time habitually spinning or strengthening its positions.

The Power To Stand course (and VisionForce technology in general) offers something powerful to the agent of positive change, such
as yourself. Consider this…

It is perceive threats to our positional identities/egos that cause the mind stress. In those moments, the mind tends to automatically resolve the threats by forming a dualistic position.

(this is made clear in the Inner Conflict Diagram tool presented in such programs as VisionForce’s Visionary Mind program.)

What if…

Rather than simply seeking to free ourselves from identity, or identifying ourselves with God or the universe or all that is–What if we had a dynamic, non-dualistic way to identify self or consciousness?

What might that mean? That might mean we have more access to power. The power to be the change, inspire the change and do the change.

Consider that the self-identifying function of consciousness is neither good nor bad. Consider that it is a valid tool in many cases (beyond valid, it is a powerful tool).

Consider that action and direction requires identity. To go from here to there, we must first be a something–we must first be here. To communicate something, we must start from one perspective or concept and make our way to another. To see something, we must first have a perspective from which to view.

So the self-identifying function of consciousness is not only *not* wrong or bad or useless. It is powerful and I would even say necessary. To act or speak your mind generally needs an identiy.

Consider then that it is the limited, dualistic, fear-based position identity that is what limits us–not ego or identity itself.

Understanding this then can give us access to power. The power to cause the change we seek in the world… If only we could self-identity not from a position…

What else is there?

Such questions are on the forefront of the field of conscious evolution. One tool is to identify as a stand, rather than a position.

(Before you assume the generally held definition for stand, dive further into the Power To Stand course, as I mean this as something new and different.)

(this has been quite an abstract conversation… let’s pause for a deep breathe… inhale… exhale… aaaaah! ;)

OK! So, I generally avoid the extra intellectual conversations as I seek to simply offer new technology via simple concepts and methods to the general public.

My thinking is here is that the proof will be in the puddin. You use a simple concept or new tool, it quickly proves to be more powerful or useful, and…

You adopt it! You pass it along!

So, when I speak in the course and on the web site about seemingly simplistic and flat concepts such as vision, honor, position and stand; please try them on as tools before overlooking them as concepts not complex or new enough to interest your hunger for new ideas.

Now, never before has anyone been able to box up VisionForce (our human technology) as an experience and take it home with them… until now.

We have just announced the production of our first physical home study program, complete with audio CDs, workbook and on-line member area.

I invite you to sink your teeth into this condensed program created from our iStand technology–technology for change agents who can’t wait for enlightenment, old age wisdom or divine intervention.

This program works like this.

- You are introduced to Visionary Mind, Michael Skye and get oriented and prepared to succeed with the program.

- You take a new look at the way you operate in the world. Take away all your sophisticated ideals and values, and where are you? Are you living in integrity with those ideals and values? What’s missing? And what’s possible? Understand the human faculty we call “vision” in a new way.

- You participate in an inquiry into the nature of human consciousness and the new realm of human experience to understand an overlooked force. This force is but a natural faculty of human consciousness, yet one that we’re often left without much access to
after our upbringing. This is a state and feeling that we refer to as “honor.”

- You revisit the conditioning from your upbringing in light of these two newly distinguished forces of consciousness: honor and vision. You see the extent to which your consciousness, including your methods for self-honesty, decision making and learning, has been thwarted. You begin to see what could be possible or our children and their development going forward, and you wonder how you might undo the effects from the past.

- You are walked through an Inner Conflict Diagram, a process that brings light to your less-than-conscious decision-making, position-forming process. You dissect inner conflicts of your own in a way that can accelerate your own self-learning and evolution.
You find yourself in action where you weren’t before, honoring values you’d previously been compromising.

- You are given a new lens through which to view human behavior and complete exercises that have you experiencing the aforementioned conscious forces (faculties) called vision and honor. You’ve begun to deeply connect with yourself and your values from a stand, rather than a position; and you experience in a deep way the power of doing so.

- You look to your current challenges as a visionary in life and practice this new technology in your unique life situations. The experience is one of alignment with your natural and highest values in a way that results in courageous action.

- You are given simple, practical steps you can take that will accelerate you on your path of conscious evolution as a visionary in life.

Here’s the good part…

I really want you to sink your teeth into this course without reservation. So I am extending a 365 day no questions refund policy to you. Try it out, test it for 365 days and if it’s not everything you’d hoped, return it in good condition and we’ll promptly refund your entire investment (less shipping).

I trust you won’t take advantage of this offer, and I also trust you’ll return it if you give it a fair shake and it’s just not your “cup of tea.”

As you’re a Power To Stand beta-tester (If you’re not, become one here for free), I’m also going to include a special gift in your package, if you purchase this first week.

Thank you for your interest, your support and your trust. Together we can raise human consciousness to new heights!

You are a contribution to my life and to the world,

-Michael Skye

P.S. The page to order this product is here:


You can also call us at 1-888-844-6667, toll-free in the US.

P.P.S. Your comments to the ideas in this post are MOST welcome below.


  1. Jason

    Aug 14th, 2006

    Subject: “Serious Questions”

    Hi Micheal,

    I have been on your mailing list for a few months now, and I have perused your website and listened to your audio messages. Although the essence of your message is still unclear to me at this point, your presentation of that message thus far seems to be stirring up something in me.

    The subject of my request to you is entitled “Serious questions”. The reason for this is that I am interested in purchasing your program, but I am at the point in my life where after almost a decade and a half of bitter struggling against depression, psychological and behavioural problems, computer game addiction, emptiness, poor work performance, poor academic performance, never finishing anything or sticking to a schedule, inconsistent performance, mental and emotional instability, financial difficulty and almost every other mental/emotional and spiritual affliction under the sun, I am pretty much at the point of chucking in the towel.

    I have tried a wide array of treatments – ranging from the conventional psychotherapy, anti-depressant drugs, all the way through to crystals and the so-called “chakra balancing”. The anti-depressants did nothing but cause further damage to my health, and I am only 28. I have bought hundreds if not thousands of books – but I battle to finish any of them, and when I do, and cannot transform the “head knowledge” into “heart knowledge” – where I OWN what I have read. I have been presented with many great opportuinities which I seem to foul up all of the time, and as I type this email I am virtually fresh out of resources – in every sense of the word.

    I have also started many self-help type of programs in the past but I NEVER seem to finish anything I start – I “flunked” out of them shortly after starting. Clearly, willpower is not going to work.

    If I may be so blunt – I don’t think the methods I have used are failing because the methods are bad.

    Some of the powerful concepts you have mentioned on your website, such as HONOR, and being “CONNECTED” to your sense of values sounds very intriguing, but my direct question is – what if you never had these qualities to begin with?

    What I most certainly DO have at this point is an acute awareness that my life is a depressing and dark pit of emptiness, (boy, doesn’t that sound CHEERFUL) yet what I seem to lack is the state of BEING-NESS that is required to change my present reality. BEING-NESS produces THOUGHT, THOUGHT produces ACTION, and ACTION produces EXPERIENCE. It would seem as though I lack the BEING-NESS and am trying to manually conjure up the “thoughts” and to mimic the actions that I perceive a person with such BEING-NESS would have, in the hope that the missing bits and pieces would somehow develop.

    “Faking it until I make it” has not worked for me at this point, because I simply fizzle up, burn out and give up before any progress get’s made – that is of course with the assumption that any progress CAN be made. My awareness of the possibility of a life better than the one I am living now is purely conceptual – a “nice to have”, and I am very depressed and desperate that I do not have “it”, yet I have no way of imagining, VISUALIZING what “it” is I don’t “have”, and so therefore I have nothing to move towards or “OWN” in my mind’s eye – which I am told is a crucial component for success.

    Picture someone who has the physical disease called scurvy, but does not know that they are deficient in Vitamin C.

    Relativity is the device by which humans progress. You cannot know left in the absence of right. You cannot know hot in the absence of cold, and you cannot know love in the absence of hate. One polar opposite seems to be a useful tool for fully experiencing the other. Yet, I have only experienced the negative sides of the spectrum when it comes to happiness, vision and purpose. I have not known nor experienced anything else with which to compare.

    So now for the billion Rand question (Or billion Dollar question).

    What if you are not made of “the right stuff”?

    1) What if you have no HONOR?
    2) What if you have no VISION?
    3) What if you have no COURAGE?

    My observation is that many self-help programs seem to assume as though you are a person with the “right stuff” (vision, determination, not willing to settle for mediocrity, etc.) who is in a bad position or situation.

    Yet what if the situation is the other way around? I realize that many new-age belief systems and self-help programs do seem to indicate that EVERYONE “has it”, even if some of them have “forgotten”, however I have presently found no evidence to support this hypothesis.

    I have no problem at all spending the money that I need to spend to change my situatiuon, and to make the efforts at changing as best I can. I am GLAD that you charge for your program, because it has been my personal experience that when you get something for free – you do not appreciate it’s value.

    I hope I don’t come across as critical or “negative” – it’s just that I don’t want to waste any further time and energy – yours, or mine for that matter.

    Your thoughts and comments on this are appreciated, and if your most recent audio is anything to go by, I really respect people who have honesty and are not afraid to tell it like it is.

    Thanks and warm regards,

    Johannesburg, South Africa

  2. Shytei

    Aug 15th, 2006

    It was validating and blissful reading this blog today. It was only a few days past that I sent an email to some close friends and had conversations with a couple others where I tried to explain…well pretty much what you just covered here. Though Position and Stand are words I have not used before I see how they work, and it’s lovely.
    In the past few years I’ve come to see the world with new eyes; how the Old Way (of scripture and a few chosen prophets, and gods that have the backs of only their followers) is simply not working. The worship of a needy God that is supposed to love and punish in the same stroke, has made the world crazy. As long as we view the world as a chess set: them against us, we will not bring about the thing we say we want: peace. Fear of being wrong, fear of losing our way of life, fear of the Gods we have created, is perpetuating the madness.
    I am grateful to have been introduced to another voice out there that’s saying: there’s a new way to look at things, at the world, and at each other. One that comes from a place (a Stand :) ) of love, not fear.
    Truly, we have nothing to fear, but fear itself.

  3. Isoke

    Oct 13th, 2006

    I just read Jason from Johanesburg’s comment. I must say that I really understand and can relate to his feelings and situation. Mine, a little similar but different still. I am 31 as of October 3rd. I am a Visionary and all of what I have read so far on my “vision quest” has lined up with what I have felt deeply. Now, I am in a “position” where I too feel depressed with trying religious and new age ways to free my mind of it’s current position. It seems like I cannot grasp that “being-ness” that is required for success as well. I understand what is being spoken of because I too, have dreams that would rock the world. However, the cloud that my head is in (I do not partake in any mind altering substances), does not seem to allow me to have that breakthrough into total trust or quantum thinking. I feel like I too am willing myself and faking it sometimes like one day I will just “pop” into the real world of this new way of thinking, ideas will start flowing, etc. I have gone from begging “God” to “Hour of Power” to demanding or commanding and willing a frame of mind, money, creative ways to raise my children, and more. I, unlike Jason, do not have the money to spend here and there. I have three children and we are BARELY making it. I at times do not understand how if I accept that I created this and I am squeezing my brain power, mind, soul, spirit into creating something new, why we are still in this house with no heat, not hot water, freezing with one space heater. My husband makes $6.80 an hour!!! What gives, right??? I don’t consider myself a negative or pessimistic person at all. It is difficult because I have asked/”directed” the Universe to send me the ideas and the path to create my “riches.” Am I not listening, not following all the different techniques closely enough, or is it all B.S. and I am not really here, or maybe there is a “chip” in my brain and I will wake up in another reality when the chip has been removed by my “alien” creators. LOL
    You must excuse me, but I am one of those people who also am at the end of my rope because there seems to be something addictive about these revolutionary evolutionary ideals that are kin to my own. However, I have a hard time not thinking that it is my Hell in a way. It’s like, giving in to what we see would be easier than choking or suffocating on the trying pains in the chest and the soul with no avail. What is the glitch in the Matrix??? Why are some people “getting it” and others not? I used to and sometimes still think that someone has some kind of spell on my mind or that I am not really who I think I am and nothing is real. I do not know what to feel most of the time. Yes, it is difficult not to feel depressed in between those times that you feel tricked into feeling some kind of excitement just to see no results.
    I would like for somebody to tell me something or show me something that really blows my mind, make me a believer in a sense. Prove to me, that I can use my mind to create beauty for myself and I will be one of the champions for change that will shake the planet.

  4. Demar Mau

    Nov 12th, 2006

    got the feeling that depression is kinda like a ‘awareness boundary’ condition. Function of evolution is to increase individual; and colletive awareness. Take this awareness to the max, and one can see that it is really just awareness of the unity of all; LOVE. Got this gut feeling that there are three states of realitty. Matter, energy and another that I clled ‘Informtion’ (Bohm calls it Implicate Order; Yogis call it Chitta or mind substnace), before I intuited this I had trouble believing in reincarnation, now the idea of reincarnation is more palatable for me, I got a gut feeling this third state is where the notion of the ‘void’ comes from, for what else can it be if there is no function of time and space (by the way matter confined by time and space; energy i.e. (in terms of wave action, the energy we see is the result of its action on matter), only confined bt time (not space) and this 3rd state must be transcendent of time and space, hence the idea of the ‘Void’, because one in it cannot orient oneself both spacialy and chronologically. Anyway, no more rambling, There are two ‘forces’ working here (kinda like the 2 forces in Babylon 5), forces for awareness evolution and forces that are resistant to awareness evolution. When one has accumulated enough expereinces ones awareness becomes ready to take the next quatum leap to a higher level; this leap is resisted against by depression (think of the Dark Night of the Soul), if you can hold out long enough (whether its this lifetime or another, dosen’t matter, the process has begun, and maybe the next lifetime the Source driving Evolution (Karma) will enable your soul (my definition, is body=matter, mind=energy, soul=void or Chitta, spirit=one entity responsible for all that is ) and its manifestation of Karma as a regulatory function), but if in this lifetime you hold out long enough, and see that there is a meaning to your depression, a struggle between the forces of ‘maintence of your current awareness level (resistive to change inertia load) and due to ‘expereince’ (I once read somewhere that there has been more change in the last 80 years than in the previous 5000 years, imagine the range of expereinces available to the current human soujouner, maybe the same experience that took 10 years to gain before, can now be had in 1 or 2 years, who knows!, anyway depression may be the conscious manifestation of this resistence to the change in the awareness magnitude; hate to say it, but it really is a matter of waiting it out with the realization that there is a meaning to depression, its a bulwark against the movement into a higher level of awareness (Darknight of the soul), and that there are lots and lots of humans ‘suffering’ from this. Depression has meaning, otherwise it wouldnt exist; its meaning is one of homeostaic regulation, if too many people make the quantum leap at one time then there would be chaos, so the forces of repression enable for a more orderly transition of a societal increase in awareness; (I like to see this as cost-benefit schedule, where in each moment, the functionality of change is manged at the most functionaly balanced given the then current state of affairs, which are always dynamic; in other words the rate of change happens as a function of the interplay of the forces of growth and consolidation.

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