Uncategorized | November 13th, 2006

Listen to a recent audio interview with 2 Vision Force Boot Camp graduates, Claude Johnson and John Matterson.

MP3 File

One comment

  1. Narayan Ramos

    Dec 15th, 2006

    You have left me with an incredible sense of Self-Transcending Self-Assurance that I will one day “soon” succeed in my goal of becoming a Home-Based, Online, Business Owner! From you I’ve learned what I’d already had suspected! That promoting one’s own knowledge in the format of related products that represent one’s true nature, is the way to go! For example, I have been an avid practitioner
    of a 500 year old southern chinese martial art, which is spelled Ving Tsun Kung Fu but is pronounced phonetically in the following manner:
    Wing Chun Gong Fu. Well, to make a long story short, I’ve been studying this martial art, off and on, for twenty-four years now. Is that what Mr. Johnson and Mr. Matterson mean? To learn how to market what you are already an expert in? I know I’m a few hours too late for the Seminar Opportunity, but if someone even just “conversant” with some of the principles that were talked about in this recording can show a little mercy. At least, may someone among the members of VisionForce get back to me. I’d highly appreciate it.

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