Archive for the ‘Visionaries’ Category

News, Visionaries, Visionary Culture | 5 Comments | February 5th, 2008

It’s February 5th and many Americans will be heading to the polls today to vote in the primary elections.

If you hadn’t noticed, there’s something very different about this election year. A new era is upon us. How the world chooses its leaders is changing as the power is now shifting back to the hands of the people.

I talk about this power shift in my new book, which I’m very excited about. As I’m sure you’d agree, books can change the world. However, I’m not writing to tell you about my book today.

I’m writing to tell you about another book that every rising visionary and 21st century leader should have.

But first, I’ve got to confess… I rarely read many books these days. It’s true.

Have you ever noticed yourself getting caught in the trap of thinking you need more knowledge, more expertise, more preparation before you take the bold actions that make all the difference? A few years back, I realized that reading was getting in the way of taking the actions I needed to take.

So now, when someone tells me of a “must-read” book, I usually ask them to summarize it for me. Well, not this book. It explains some of the dynamics behind one of the fastest political movements in modern times.

Whether or not you’re up on politics, this is one political movement you’ve probably heard of:

The Ron Paul Revolution.

Now, the book I’m about to share with you says *nothing* about the Ron Paul Revolution, but if you understand the concepts in the book, I believe you can gain insight into building a movement of your own–in society, at work or even at home. So, if you want to inspire people to step forward and take a stand with you, then understanding how Ron Paul is doing it is of critical importance.

The book is called,

The SPEED of TRUST: The One Thing That Changes Everything
by Stephen M.R. Covey

Speaking of the book, Seth Godin said, “Trust drives everything in our non-branded, too fast world. So, trust this: This is an important book. The younger Covey has written a book that matters.” –

Chris Anderson, author of The Long Tail and Editor-and-Chief of WIRED magazine, had this to say in an interview with Covey for Speed of Trust Radio: “Money was the currency of the old economy; Trust is the currency of the new, global economy.”

Covey breaks down the key factors that build trust, and when trust is present, results happen fast. In fact, in high trust environments, unimaginable results are often created in record time.

Covey highlights 13 behaviors you should adopt, including: talk straight, create transparency, confront reality, keep commitments and extend trust.

CASE STUDY: The Ron Paul Revolution

It appears Ron Paul has mobilized multitudes of young people as well as people who’ve never been politically active.

However, much of the grassroots campaign, record-breaking fundraising and other bold initiatives have little or nothing to do with the Ron Paul Campaign. Instead, it’s more about what Paul is not doing that is empowering and inspiring people to step forward and take responsibility for the movement.

When asked why they’re now vigorously politically active they talk about the striking difference between Ron Paul and other politicians, and how he has earned their trust:

1) TALK STRAIGHT – Young voters mention his honesty, authenticity and straight talk. YOUtube Paul and watch clips from Republican debates, if you haven’t already.

2) CONFRONT REALITY – Many young voters say Paul is the only one confronting the economic situation we’re facing head on, as well as other key issues.

3) TRANSPARENCY – The Ron Paul campaign is very transparent with real-time statistics, etc., at This has people feel trusted and empowered to take actions that can increase the numbers.

4) KEEP COMMITMENTS – Paul has been consistent and principled in his voting record – even when he’s in the minority, which as a US congressman is quite remarkable.

5) EXTEND TRUST – Another thing that you hear many young people saying about Paul is that he trusts people. His policies, they say, inherently trust human beings to do the right thing, whereas it seems many politicians want to control our lives, which implies a lack of trust in humanity.

I see people becoming more and more conscious, and as we head into the future, I believe it will be more humble, authentic people like Paul stepping into leadership.

All of the speed at which Paul’s support is growing is even more remarkable, given the way the press largely ignores Paul, and the way other presidential hopefuls, who look and sound much more “presidential,” smirk and laugh at him openly (not a very trust-engendering way to behave).


I recommend that as a fellow leader, visionary, activist, entrepreneur–world-changer-in the 21st century that you:

A – become a student of the Ron Paul Revolution and the dynamics behind it.

B – become a student of trust, and how to generate relationships and cultures of high trust,

C – grab a copy of Stephen M.R. Covey’s best-selling book, The SPEED of TRUST: The One Thing That Changes Everything.

You can get it in soft-cover today, here:

At Barnes & Nobles | At Amazon

Standing with you and for you in bringing about a better world,

Michael Skye

(Please note: Michael Skye and VisionForce make no commission on this book recommendation.)

News, Visionaries | 1 Comment | January 23rd, 2008

As Gaza plunges into darkness, Israeli and Palestinian fighters-turned-visionary-peace-activists speak out.

As the VisionForce team prepares for a summit in Hawaii with corporate visioning expert and futurist visionary, Jim Channon (YOUtube) in February 2008, we find ourselves naturally dancing with Jim’s vision.

Imagine this…

Opportunities on the event horizon

* 1. Oil companies realize they are liquid transportation companies and start to move fresh water to needy places on the planet.
* 2. Major engineering companies respond to rising seas and create canals that take the excess water into barren lowlands inside the continents where it is needed.
* 3. The national military forces of the planet merge to form natural security teams and restore their respective parts of the earth�s forests, plant life, watersheds, wildlife and the biosphere above all that.
* 4. That schools recognize that content is already available on line and change their courses to life skills, learning based pursuits, and a new partnership with nature.
* 5. That Universities build upon the science of conscious evolution, a visionary mindset, and life force living intelligence and then structure their experience based curricula to that end.
* 6. That government decentralizes into bioregions and organizes military units, school kids, fire departments and others to generate food foraging forests in all available sites for complete global food security.
* 7. That neighborhoods take on a wide variety of energy producing solutions to become fully independent but not totally separate from the power grid.
* 8. That web-based democracies attend to their regionally based constituents and use the global web intelligence system to optimize local living. 9. That railheads, airports, and warehouses converge to be able to launch global air rescue missions that deliver major emergency living villages to all peoples globally within hours of a disaster.
* 10. That the global public achieves a clear unifying identity and the pre-emptive political power to defang the nuclear arsenal and its fear based factions while offering alternative product lines for the military industrial complex.
* 11. That we accept the notion that life is more likely to exist in the galaxy than not and prepare for the real benefits of new connections.
* 12. That we embrace a new level of profound simplicity and reintroduce creativity as a replacement for things and mindless entertainment.

News, Visionaries, Visionary Culture | 3 Comments | December 17th, 2007

Sometimes all it takes is someone to stand up and say what there is to say. Someone faces the fear and criticism that has kept so many people quiet and those same people are inspired to stand also. Then add the power of the Internet, and you just might have a virtually uncontrollable, decentralized movement on your hands, where the few have the power to reach the many and swell their numbers to become an undeniable force for change.

Such is the power of a single person at the dawn of the 21st century!

A few weeks ago I turned 37. And I have a confession to make. I have NEVER voted in my life! I have NEVER been inspired by the political machine here in America, and have believed there are much better uses of my time to make a difference than becoming part of the political game (such as the entrepreneurial endeavor called VisionForce).

Well, now I’m about to register to vote. Say WHAT?

Yup. It’s all Ron Paul‘s fault. ;)

Consider this: Political power is largely the power of force. Here in America, many people have popularized the concept of democracy, and come to hold that as America’s fundamental value that makes us great. A pure democracy is essentially the rule of the majority over the minority. Is that what makes America great? That the majority can force the minority to live by their values? Or that we have a process, whereby everyone can participate and have their voice heard? I think most Americans would agree that what we value in democracy is the later. And the essential value is freedom–the freedom to think, speak and believe as we wish and the freedom to live our lives by our own conscience, values and vision as we please provided we don’t hurt others’ freedom to do the same.

However, notice how elections have become a time when we pit person against person, group against group, fighting for the power to tell others how to live their lives. Notice the ways in which “democracy” is indeed used as a tool for a minority of citizens (who vote and are in the voting majority) to force everyone else in the country (and around the world when the given country has a world-governing foreign policy) to conform to their ideas.

We could have a discussion about whether or not this is what the American founders envisioned, and about whether or not they even considered this a democracy or a constitutional republic.

But let’s look at what it’s going to take now in the 21st century to create a world that really works. Is it going to take some great visionary leader to save us and “make things right?” Or is it going to take us coming together, recognizing that we each have the capacity to be visionary leaders of our own lives who can come together to stand for a political and economic environment where we can truly see, hear and honor the human being on “the other side,” and then sit down with him or her and use the genius of the human mind to create previously impossible-seeming solutions.

Ron Paul. Is he a quack, as so many in the mainstream media and political machine seem to make him out to be? Certainly he’s courageously questioning so many of the long-held assumptions that give the mainstream media and politicians power today. Certainly his ideas would shake the foundations of the political machine as it exists today. If the machine is working well, then I don’t think they have much to fear. Dismiss Ron Paul, if he’s trying to change something that is working incredibly well.

One thing that excites me about Ron Paul is what his policies might do to free the human mind and spirit from an environment of fear and distrust. What would happen to ourselves, each other and the world we live in, if we were free to raise our wings and sour into the wide open skies, where we as visionary beings can breathe fresh air and take it upon ourselves to create a world that works?

When I look at Ron Paul, I see someone who is not trying to force his values on me, but who respects and trusts me as a conscious, creative human being–as an adult–to make my own choices and live my life.

It takes a lot of courage and commitment for anyone to run for president, and I trust that the others who are doing so really care deeply about America.

Still, a big question that faces us now is what kind of political environment is going to free the human mind and spirit to flourish in the 21st century, and create the kind of environment where we can come together to create a world that really works?

What would a top-down positionary leadership style on the part of another American president do what trust is left on the part of the American people and our 6 billion plus neighbors around the world?

Ron Paul or no Ron Paul, my voice and my vote will go for the idea that we as human beings have more power to come together and create than we give ourselves credit for. We can trust each other far more than we do, and we do not need to fear freedom. We do not need some great visionary leader to save us and make the bad guys be good. No, we need to accept the responsibility and the power to create a better world–the responsibility and power that only freedom can bestow upon us.

I say it’s time we stop trying to force our neighbors to be our idea of what’s right, and set them free. Honor them with freedom. Then let’s sit down with them at the table, break bread with them and collaborate as equals.

I say it’s time for YOUR vision to be seen, YOUR voice to be heard, YOUR spirit to be felt, YOUR stand to be taken, YOUR creativity to be unleashed, YOUR life to be lived.

What is YOUR vision? What is YOUR stand? What is YOUR revolution?

How can we help to empower YOUR vision?

Michael's Journal, News, Visionaries | No Comments | November 22nd, 2007

Next Wednesday a few dozen individuals from around the world are gathering here in Austin, Texas to take a stand for their lives, for our lives and for life itself. They are those who are willing to claim the title of visionary, simply be being a conscious being with a choice to see and create a better world in the face of great adversity. They are those who are willing to look within, face what there is to face, find something worth standing for and come together to create a world that works for everyone.

We are at the dawn of a new era, in which human beings own our full power to create. It begins by stepping into a sacred relationship with self, others and all that is.

The work we do at the VisionForce Boot Camp is quite simple, yet very profound, and it has great implications for the world we live in.

The next domain of technology that will transform the world we live in is the inner domain of human relationship–relationship to self, others, the planet, the universe, the divine, etc. For nearly five decades we’ve been flying into outer space and landing upon the moon, but we seem to find it more challenging to traverse the inner space required in landing within the sacred realm of another’s heart, let alone our own. This is the next frontier. It’s an invitation to all those who dare to explore and pioneer new paths for connecting with others, even and especially those seemingly opposed to us, and creating together.

Already, there is a growing movement around the world, as noted by Paul Hawken in his book, Blessed Unrest, of organizations that are rising up to cross divides, stand together and create a better world.

One such organization is the Pachamama Alliance, which we are honoring at our March Boot Camp, in calling out specifically for 44 inspired leaders who are willing to stand with us to “bring forth an environmentally sustainable, spiritually fulfilling and socially just human presence on the planet.”

Today, I honor those who are journeying here next week to “face everything, avoid nothing and stand for humanity.”

News, Visionaries | No Comments | November 14th, 2007

Visionary musicians, who aim to inspire the world through their music seem to be attracted to our Boot Camps. The latest is a young musician, who goes by the name, Esse. She’s been awarded a Visionary Musician Scholarship in the amount of $650 by one of our alumni, Emced Hammas, CEO of 20/20 MultiMedia, and producer of a documentary inspired in part by his VisionForce experience, Business As Usual: The Exploitation of Hip Hop.

I’m including a special note from her here, because she has so inspired me with her heart, her courage and commitment.

I’m inviting you today to stand beside me, as my ally, as I stand for being a powerful symbol of love, inspiration, wisdom and self-empowerment for our children, our country and our world, through the mighty vehicle of pop culture.

The hardest part of pursuing the glamorous career of a performer is balancing self consciousness with selflessness, or better put, balancing give and take. It may sound strange at first but if you think about it, a performer has to consider things that can feel like pure vanity. How do I look? Am I “cool” enough? Are my songs powerful while also being entertaining? I’ve received criticisms for the most personal details such as my weight, my clothes, my friends, my education, my childhood, my life. On the one hand I just want to sing, perform, spread light and love. On the other hand, I have to have enough self love to remain confident, open and flexible even in the face of rejection and sometimes harsh criticism. No matter how I feel, the show must go on!

A few years ago I was a top 100 finalist on American Idol. It was Season 3. I was right there with Jennifer Hudson, Fantasia and the rest of the bunch. My readiness faced the test right then and there. I’ve been doing this my whole life, I thought, I was born to do this, it should be a cinch! As much as I’d love to say that it was Paula, Simon and Randy that made it so hard to be open when I got in front of those cameras, I know better.

Even when my intentions were checked and double checked, in my heart I harbored fears. I wasn’t ready. How could it be? I’d always known this was my purpose, my destiny, so why wasn’t I ready?

I wasn’t taking a stand.

I was taking positions on lots of things, pouring my feelings into the work but something was missing. What was it?!

It was vision.

In my heart I feared all sorts of things. I feared that I would absorb all of the attention, that my sincerity might diminish, that I could lose my way, divert my mission, and the whole thing would go straight to hell!! I feared that I would hurt or be hurt by people. Consequently, I suffered with an eating disorder for SIX years! To make things harder, in the artist community there is a THICK resistance to success. Working for money is considered insincere. Shaping your work to make it more acceptable to a wider audience is looked upon as “selling out.” For years I’ve asked myself, am I a sell out? Why do I want to be a mainstream artist instead of being content as a grassroots, street level indie artist?

Then, against the will of my entire family, I went to Tokyo, Japan. For over a year my only responsibility was to teach English and perform in clubs and bars. I lived in a bubble and worked hard to get clear on who I was, who I was becoming, and the woman I wanted to be. Suddenly, something which was once vague became crystal clear.

This is not about me. This is about a life purpose, a calling, a vision.

Now I am ready, not to fight, but to take a stand. I am ready to declare my own greatness, free of fear. I know I’m ready because doors are already opening, and opening wide! I’ve begun a whole new phase with my family, my friends and my work. This is why I want to attend the VisionForce bootcamp. This new phase has begun and I want it to kick off right!

This is my declaration, my commitment to you and to a whole new world:

I dare to spearhead a new conscious pop culture that stands for self-awareness, self-empowerment, peace and embracing a rich and full life.

I dare to stand for being a guiding light for all women and young girls in America.

I dare to stand for being a fully actualized woman.

I dare to stand for being a conscious and successful artist committed to you, our children, our world.

I dare to stand for being a symbol for women in America to embrace their full capacity, release their oppression mind-set, and be graceful leaders in that way that only women can do.

I will do this first by living it.

Artists have the capacity to reach an extraordinarily wide and diverse audience. I can help you inspire the world.

In the past ten years of pursuing this mission there have been incredible challenges. Yes, sexual harassment. Yes, rejection for my beliefs. Yes, it was all enough to make me doubt myself.

Now, I know to expect these challenges every step of the way. In VisionForce I believe I have found the right support group and the skills to know how to keep going! If you believe in the VisionForce training then you know it will do for me what it has done for you.

Will you stand beside me as my partner and ally? Will you let me stand beside you, as yours?

From the bottom of my heart, thank you for taking the time out of your busy schedule to read my letter. Whatever you decide, I will trust that it is best. If you do choose to make a contribution, whatever amount you choose will be perfect. As a token of my thanks, when that first album is done, I will publicly honor you as a contributor to my life and to my work. Now and in the future I’m sure that we will find exciting ways to work together to make this world healthier and happier!

We’re in it together till we reach the summit, and thereafter to dance on the sky!

I wish you great success in everything that you do.

Standing with you and for you!

Singer, Songwriter & Author

To help make Esse’s journey to Boot Camp possible, please use the ChipIn tool below (any amount at all is very appreciated!):

Anytime I am in a situation, where I am present that my voice could make a difference… and yet I think my voice is not welcome… my heart starts beating faster. I feel this way right now. I am not sure what form this call to action will take over the ensuing months, but I feel that VisionForce is arriving at a crossroads.

I just wrote the following to the new class of visionaries who will be attending the VisionForce Boot Camp in 2 weeks:

Watching the new film, Lions For Lambs, tonight in the theatre, it hit me. VisionForce is about being in action. This is not a new “revelation,” but a further clarification along the arduous path of learning to articulate what VisionForce offers people.

VisionForce is for those who are willing to BE in action, to LIVE as an uncompromised expression of their vision… especially at this critical time in history, at a time when we get to decide if we perish as a species due to our own choices, or if we acknowledge perhaps the greatest overlooked force for causing change… NOT political force, military force, financial power… put the force of our own individual vision… the power to walk the path less traveled, guided from within. Perhaps one of the greatest illusions of our time is the idea that the power to change the world is in the hands of Big Business, Big Government and Big Religion… and so we waste so much our time thinking, debating, complaining, watching debates, or taking well-intentioned actions that only feed the systems ruled by the big three. We donate our time, donate some money, pay our taxes, vote on election day, sign petitions, join some protests, post signs in our yard, etc. AS IF THESE ARE THE MOST POWERFUL ACTIONS WE CAN TAKE!

We are creators! Entrepreneurship, art, music, poetry, science, technology, … we can CREATE a world that really works! We can create! In the early 21st century, there is no longer much value in the idea of “doing our part,” hoping that it will all work out OK if we do. No, to summarize Werner Erhard, it’s time we each find the visionary leader in ourselves and come together to create a world that works. Those of us, like Erhard, who dare say human beings are capable of so much more, are laughed at and criticized. In Werner, and others in the “human potential movement,” we have people who dare to fail big, because they see there is something worth standing for.

Who are we not to own our power to BE the change now? Who are we to pretend we don’t have the power to create a world that works?

VisionForce – it’s the power in YOU.

When you come to boot camp in 2 weeks… something tells me you’re going to get the next evolution of boot camp! This is a process, an evolution… I am in the SAME game you are. I do not have answers for you, and I will not even think about telling you what to do. I simply invite you further into the game you are ALREADY in as a leader, a creator–by nature. Are you ready to play?