
What's YOUR Heart's Vision?

Hella Fun

Posted by on Jul 12, 2007 in Michael's Journal, News, Visionary Culture, Visionary Mind

Changing the world–WHY? This post may ramble, as I intend to freely journal–with radical transparency…

I know for myself that life has transpired inside of a very serious context. The choices I make in this lifetime, I was told, have eternal consequences. I am proud that the mission I’ve chosen in my life is not one that was given to me, but one that I’ve freely created–born of my own vision. However, the intensity and seriousness with which I often find myself approaching my “mission” is in part a by-product of painful experiences and the serious life context I had as a young man. And while the power of the VisionForce tools is also a by-product of that same pain-inspired intensity and seriousness, what I am ever rediscovering is the extent to which fun and enjoyment can be a source and/or an integral part of much more productive strategies for achieving the mission.

Isn’t a visionary life, by definition, one in which a person faces the judgment and ridicule of authorities and the majority, who do not share the same vision and are often not following their own vision? Such a life can quite naturally be experienced as a lonely, serious battle or a path of martyrdom. However, to the extent that one can live freely from one’s vision, life can be an experience of play, peace and freedom. The VisionForce tools give one access to live so powerfully from one’s own vision and so liberated from the judgments and conditioned constraints of society that others can’t help but look to see what you’re seeing, and feel inspired to stand with you.

So much so does the VF technology liberate a person, that it can be quite challenging then to know where to draw the line–and succeed inside a society of conformity–when you are marching to your own drum.

I am currently entering a phase in my life, where I am exploring how much more productive I can be while operating from a place of play, full self-expression and simplicity. This has been a challenge thus far, because I have so many preconceptions about who I should be as a leader, a teacher, etc. Gandhi, Jesus, Dr. Martin Luther King Jr, Howard Roarke, John Galt–men such as these have been my role models. Thus, hard work, sacrifice, austere living, etc. are what I’ve been modeling. I’ve found it difficult to balance such ways of life with my propensity and desire for childlike play, teasing, silliness and wild abandon.

I watched some very old home movies the other day and found it very interesting that for one Halloween as a child I was a clown, and for the other I was a pirate. That pretty much sums up who I was as a child: the rebel loner who never took anything too seriously and was always joking and teasing. Even for all the seriousness that I bring to my work, especially when leading events for people, those who know me well, know that privately I am often anything but serious.

I quite unconsciously and often consciously buck the norms of society, and often times I show up as ignorant, rude, selfish and even immature–kind of like the kid who just says and does whatever is on his mind to do. I’ve found it a challenge to know where to draw the line. On the one hand, wanting to be an example of an ever-inspiring, high-minded leader (many regard me even as a spiritual teacher), and at the same time a visionary who operates free from the conditioning of a society that worships image and comfort. Finding the balance here has been a challenge, and has led to many awkward situations–many times when I’ve had to clean up the mess I inadvertently made.

Posting this to my blog is what many might consider an “unprofessional” move, but what I am standing for is being a creator of a new era, a new culture and a new vision for business and entrepreneurship–rather than support the old culture of business that so highly values image. We spend so much of our lives working–why should we spend it compromising our self-expression?

I’m finding it worthwhile to verbalize for myself that I value self-expression, fun and play far more highly than image… and I don’t want to try to fit myself into the mold of yesterday’s leaders, trying to manage all my choices to maintain an appearance that no one can judge. Yes, I do wish to protect the image of the company I am building, and I do wish to separate my personal life choices from the work and products we offer–and yet, for me, the business and the mission is not the end-all. This is my life. I want to live. To live fully. To be alive. To be free. AND, I suspect such an approach may just be what empowers and liberates me to even more powerfully attain the mission and generate the success for which I am aiming.

I am working hard to change the world and evolve myself to “be the change”–why? Cuz it’s hella fun! Who’s game?


  1. Hi Michael! I support you 1,000% in what you are doing here to
    balance the sacred and secular – the expectations of others – our
    early conditioning and wounding. What powers me, Global Peace Global Healing, and Dance Move Dance is: The highest Truth, Light, Love, Wisdom, Humor. Humor too. Took me almost 60 years to
    break free from the conditioning that links social change and
    visionary work with serious and sacrifice. I embrace Mother Theresa and positive humor, Ghandi and Dance that is Celebration.
    Now, as we approach 2012 and beyond, visionary leaders will display an integrated personality – the most human and divine in one package. It was predicted by my dear friend and shamanic practitioner that our meeting was about play. True. So much more of course. Films: Favela Rising, Water. Nacho Libre. They all reflect this life here on earth. I am eternally grateful our paths crossed. We meet in the sky where the eagles fly and we meet
    in the deepest laughter. Love, Sakanta Running Wolf

  2. My Dears,The late Pope announced My Calling from God before the U.N.General Assembly in `79.Why haven`t you seen me?Because I`m the Black Madonna-Incarnate.The religious hierarchy and presidents from Jimmy Carter to Bush knew of my presence.I`ve laid this farce out in the site posted.Have a look and see why the Bird Flu`s here.It`s the “final”pestilence God said would come if they refused my Calling.The Pope told them:”the woman,who in the fullness of Time-heard the Word of God,and accepted It”;”the woman stands at the beginning of all time”;’spouse of the Holy Spirit”.Why does the scholars call me terrible instead of Righteous?

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