
What's YOUR Heart's Vision?

Audrey’s vision

Posted by on Aug 17, 2006 in Miscellaneous

Listen to how the vision of one young woman is is calling her to uplift and mobilize all those who care for our environment. This is the first of many Interviews with Visionaries here on You're listening to Michael Skye talking with Audrey Parker 8/16/06. Leave comments for Audrey below.

MP3 File


  1. I spoke to Audrey this evening AFTER she took the bold action she spoke about in the interview. She’s reached the point of “no return.” 😉 She’s found her “visionary path.” It’s a point when you so clearly the world as it will exist if you simply keep walking the path you’ve started down–and it is so gripping, so powerful, that there is then NOTHING else to do but keep walking. It’s a very emotional experience, very powerful. It’s nothing magical or mystical, just an experience of… well, I don’t have words for it. We’ll see if Audrey does when I interview her again as a follow up. 😉

  2. Audrey Parker!!!

    You’re a ‘Start Turn’ as my Grandma would say:)

    You’ve NOW done your conference and it was Incredible!… I love this kinda thing as you NEVER know who you’ve touched, what seeds you’ve planted in minds, what doors you’ve opened in hearts, what calling you’ve awakened in others…

    V – for Vulnerablility, and the hidden power in that
    I – for Intent, and the courage to maintian and share it
    S – Stretching the Boundaries (Yours & Others)
    I – for Imagination, seeing what others can’t/won’t see
    O – for Openess, to surrender to the unkown
    N – for Namaste! )))))))))

  3. Thank you Audrey, It was a pleasure for me to hear the enthusaism in your vioce, You speak of a calling, and the importance of answering this calling. May I tell you my calling, and ask you to tell me how to answer it? I have a powerful feeling that I should somehow eliminate all organized Religion from the face of the earth, I mean all of it, in my mind it is the cause of all the problems the world has to face, and the more I read and study the Reloigions of the world the more I am convinced that we must get rid of before it gets gid of us. Thank you

    Ron Waters

  4. Wow..this is vision with color. keep up the good work, i see greatness in it.

  5. It made me aware of the distinction between a visionary and positionaryand what side of the fence I have been on.

    Thanks Audrea, for awakening that realization and offering the motivation to actualize a purpose.

  6. Hi Audrey!

    I listened to your interview. You sound very smart and I am excited for you — and for us living in this world with people like you who are more concerned with working on such a difficult problem on our hands as Global warming than in staying in your “comfort zone.”

    If you haven’t read it already, I strongly recommend reading Al Gore’s BOOK (not just the movie) “An Inconvenient Truth”. I just finished a road trip with my wonderful parents that unfortunately don’t believe that global warming is really an issue. I read passages out loud to my parents (as they were, after all, a bit stuck with me on the road) and by the time I finished reading several chapters with pictures and graphs of the reality of our situation, they started acknowledging that there IS an issue to deal with. This was VERY encouraging because there is a real difficulty in this time of “good people” who simply do not understand science and are therefore fearful of trusting it. They would rather trust their preacher at church because he shakes their hand and says nice things to them than a bunch of weird scientists who say a bunch of words they don’t understand and don’t always look very handsome. Then on top of it, in order to believe the Bible literally, these good people HAVE to refute science because scientists are pretty fixated on believing that the earth is billions of years old and Creationists “know” that the Bible says the earth is only 6000 years old. So they toss out science wholeheartedly. It’s a REAL PROBLEM.

    At any rate (sorry for my rant), perhaps you could think of uniting forces with Al Gore (I’m thinking of doing the same myself, although I haven’t quite worked out how as a musician I can do that appropriately).

    Just some thoughts I had while listening to you speak — and since there is this opportunity here to communicate with you, I thought I’d take a STAND!!!

    Best Wishes,
    Janice Martin

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