
What's YOUR Heart's Vision?

Go Visionary!

Posted by on May 23, 2011 in Featured

Go Visionary!

Go Visionary!Big Heart, Bold Vision

When you take your stand, you are often alone at first. You are the lone visionary, the lone revolutionary, the lone entrepreneur, the person stepping off the beaten path. You are going where few dare to follow. And it is natural to feel fear, doubt, and even shame and guilt, when acting contrary to the customs of your tribe and the dictates of your tribal elders. In their eyes, you may be walking the path of shame. The given systems, culture and doctrine may be stacked against you.

But it’s your path. It’s the path your heart is calling you to walk, isn’t it? So why not walk with honor? And with people who understand you and honor you. Why not join a tribe of visionaries! Or, start your own tribe, visionary!