
What's YOUR Heart's Vision?

Go Tribal!

Posted by on May 23, 2011 in Featured

Joining a VisionForce Tribe gives you, the once lone visionary, a way to come into a wealth of deep relatedness with the Visionaries you respect and admire—with individuals you’d be honored to stand with and have standing with you.

If you’ve been invited to join a VisionForce Tribe, you’ll likely be required to complete the following two challenges (and if you’re starting your own tribe of visionaries, you may wish to require something similar): 1) An HonorQuest {link}, 2) A Sacred Honor Ceremony (any VisionForce iStand qualifies) {link to iStand page}.

This is a way of, a) grounding yourself in the authority of your heart, of your sacred honor, b) entering your visionary path in a way that people who see you, honor you and stand with you, c) receiving the wealth of gifts that come from being of service, and being part of a community that multiplies shared values, d) knowing yourself as ‘the one’ in your world, always evolving, always increasing your power to act from your own authority and to invite others into the same.

First step? Go Visionary!