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Are You Ready For An Inner Revolution?

Welcome to the Vision Force Academy, home to visionary leaders, revolutionaries and entrepreneurs.  

If you're someone who is up to causing profound change in your life and the world around you, you have at least an inkling that the success and leadership literature of today (and yesterday) is insufficient for today's world.

You recognize the need for a revolution in human thought and behavior, and you're willing to start with yourself.  You're ready to "be the change you seek in the world."  You're ready to step forward and "be the one."  You along with the rest of us are redefining what it means to be a "badass!"

Let's waste no time.  We recommend you either get started with our home study program, Revolutionary Mind (aka, Visionary Mind) here.  

Or, if you can make it to Austin for our new 1-day workshops, call us to reserve a seat: 1-877-844-6667.


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