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There's a revolution under way...
A new definition for what it means to be a human being in the 21st century.

Technology has made us all (the human race, that is) quite intimate. We've become a motley crew of international bedfellows, lying side-by-side, irrevocably entangled in the same web of conflict, complexity, and mystery that is the project called humanity.

Which leaves us with some important choices to make. Namely, what kinds of lives will we lead? How will we raise our children? How can we become more whole, as individuals and collectives? What is our vision for the future? How can we evolve beyond the current state of bitter partisanship and global conflict?

Thomas Friedman is right. The world is flat. Myriads of different human values systems exist on the planet today. That's what we call chaos. But unlike the survival of other species, whether we make it (barring any natural disasters) depends entirely on our level of consciousness.

What will it take? A critical mass of visionaries who work together to create a new world. A global force of revolutionaries who take a stand for humanity, for cooperation, for sustainable interdependence. We call it the "Vision Revolution." chronicles this ever-expanding phenomenon across the globe. Indeed, the Vision Revolution extends far beyond and the Vision Force Academy. Countless individuals and organizations are seeking solutions beyond the pervasive dualism that plagues society, and we only want to play our part in the great unfolding of humanity.

At its essence, the Vision Revolution is humanity's evolution from a self-righteous, self-centered "Positionary" to a fully self-responsible, heroic Visionary. Consider that this subtle yet total shift in human thought and behavior is not only necessary for the growth and survival of human beings as a species, but it provides survival and growth advantages for each individual.

Greater inner power, peace, passion and fulfillment belies the man, woman or child who rises to the level of heroic visionary for humanity.  Watch the revolution unfold at, or start where you're sitting at this moment!  Download your Visionary Mind!


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