Visionary Mind:
Experience Your Call to Greatness

Frequently Asked Questions

  1. What are the benefits?
  2. What is the difference between Visionary Mind and Vision Force 101?
  3. How is the program structured?
  4. How is this different from "self-help" programs?
  5. What if I can't afford it?

What are the benefits?

This program is based in part on the material and exercises in Vision Force 101.  As a result of that program and our entry level workshops with the same content and exercises, participants report the following:

  • Grace and ease - many participants experience themselves now being in action naturally and without struggle.  They experience themselves easily acting on the things they used to avoid, without any need for motivation, discipline or extra effort.
  • Freedom from guilt - The exercises in Visionary Mind work to re-orient our minds from guilt-avoidance and fear-avoidance to honor-centered and love-centered.  There is a great freedom that is experienced as guilt is removed from the picture.
  • Renewed hope for humanity - Most of us have deep rooted assumptions about human nature and life itself that make us fundamentally doubtful, distrusting of ourselves, others and our future.  
  • Power - Participants experience a sense of coming home to their power.  The feeling of honor they learn to create and feel inside Visionary Mind gives them an access to natural power.
  • Creativity and courage - The experience of vision inside this program opens up new paths that "call" to you.  For example, many find themselves leaving their current job to follow their heart and start a career or a business they are passionate about.
  • Honor - Imagine regarding your responsibilities in life, not from a place of obligation, but from a place of sacredness.  Honor is a feeling that is felt as you come to redefine your relationship to your values in a sacred way.
  • Financial breakthroughs - Not the least of the benefits commonly experienced by participants is dramatic breakthroughs in their financial life or business.  Some to the tune of tens of thousands of dollars inside just a few weeks.  (Of course, everyone's experience is different and your results will depend entirely upon you.)
  • Sense of Purpose / Heroic vision - Many of us find ourselves waiting in life.  We're looking for our purpose or searching to find that one perfect opportunity, when all we ever needed was a vision that called deeply to us.  You get that inside this program--a vision that calls you into swift action.
  • Wisdom - The concepts and tools in this program give you insight into yourself and others on a systems level.  With tools such as the Inner Conflict Diagram, you'll come to better understand the dynamics that shape our choices in life. 

Some participants have credited this work with saving their marriage; ending their addictions; the freedom and power to start a business, leave a job, leave a negative situation, etc.  

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What is the difference between Visionary Mind and Vision Force 101?

Vision Force 101 was a popular live program we held several times over the past few years. It covered much of the same content as we do in Visionary Mind, but it was done over the internet and through conference calls. The recordings of one of these programs has been included in your Visionary Mind package to give you added context and examples from real people as they participate in the discussions and perform the exercises.

If you participated in VF101, and you'd like to take what you learned deeper, then you'll want to grab a copy of Visionary Mind. The material has been presented a little differently and in a simplified way. You'll be able to listen to the professional quality audio CDs as much as you like, wherever you are. The workbook has been carefully designed to help you complete the program from start to finish. It also makes a great gift for a friend or loved one.

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How is the program structured?

The program is divided into 8 weeks. Each week, you'll preview the simple checklist so you know what you have to complete that week (Note: you may complete the program in as little or as much time as you like, we just say 8 weeks to keep it simple). 

Next, you'll listen to each audio session as you follow along in the workbook, filling in the blanks and taking notes as you go. We also refer you to the corresponding audio recordings from the Vision Force 101 program, so you can listen to people participate in the discussion and perform the same (or similar) exercises that you're asked to do. You'll get added insights and a richer experience from these extra audio recordings.

Then you'll complete the assignment for that week. Each assignment will have you applying the concepts and exercises to your life in a meaningful way. You are referred to the special internet forums we've created for you, so that you can a) share your insights and results with others, and b) interact with and learn from them.

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How is this different from self-help programs?

Most self-development programs are presented in the form of answers and advice from "gurus."  One problem with this approach is that it keeps you in a dependent position, relying on the conclusions of someone else, rather than having the deeper understanding behind those conclusions that mastery requires.

Rather than give you answers, we provide the kind of questions and exercises that will lead you on your own personal journey of self-discovery and the kind of understandings that a person can only reach on his/her own.

The on-line forum boards give you a community inside of which you can have conversations that further expand your understandings. 

This program also does not give you a new set of beliefs to replace your own.  Such an approach, again, leaves you in more of a follower role related to the information, rather than a visionary leader role.

The way this program is designed greatly expands your paradigm and opens you up to a new world of possibility.

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What if I can't afford it?

If this program is simply beyond your means at this point in your life, yet you are committed to "being the change" in your life and in the world, we want to create a way for you to get your hands on these powerful concepts and tools.  Email us at and share your story with us.  If you so inspire us, we will provide access to download the entire 200Mb file of Vision Force 101, with over 14 hours of MP3s and PDF workbooks.  Bottom line: we join forces together to positively impact this world we live in!

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Copyright © 2006  by All rights reserved.
Revised: September 19, 2006 .